Thursday, December 26, 2013

Question……Which Character do you most relate to from WizofOz?

Ponder that for a minute……..

Feedback for my dear Ethel!

1.  You know how I feel about journaling -- its the holy grail of WW if you ask me!  I truly believe you will have much success with this.  I really want you to get pumped about this process.   So here are some fun things to consider.

  • decorate it, color on the pages, use stickers to denote things that matter, add pictures, make it a work of art and love…..the more you prize it, the more you will use it.  I literally have mine with me all the time.  I keep it next to me like a security blanket.  I use to feel agitated if I went to work and forgot it at home.  Crazy I know, but once you confide all your secrets to it and make it your own…..I hope you will feel the same.
  • in the beginning really take the time to look things up and measure -- you will reference things all the time, so get it right the 1st time.  I actually find the etools the quickest and easiest place to look up point values.  I use to use the books -- but it feels more accurate and easier online.  You can get very exact in what you are looking for!
  • i use the journal to do other stuff to -- like I keep small post it notes on my pages.  I use them to plan my to do list for the next day.  SInce I look at my journal many times a day, it keeps me focused on what I need to accomplish.  
  • last but not least, I encourage you to try and use all the pages/sections.  I admit I don't check the boxes (good health guidelines) or designate the power foods specifically, but otherwise I am pretty damn good.  I use the weekly routines to set mini goals for my week.  I love checking things off and feeling like I accomplished stuff.
2.  150 Workouts…..when I first read this I was concerned it was too aggressive.  What if you are sick a week -- then you get behind and discouraged.  If you are keeping it to 30 minute increments…..then I think it is feasible.  So I'm thinking a 30 min. brisk walk counts…correct?

3.  Meal planning -- good for you.  This is something else I love….so i will support you in whatever way I can.  Let me know your favorite types of food and I will keep my eyes out for ideas.  Just read about some queso dip at Trader Joes that is super low in points and supposedly good.  I plan to check it out tomorrow…..I'll keep you posted!

4.  You go girl!  I will keep this in the back of my mind….since I really can't swim either!

Ok -- that's maybe more feedback and commentary than you wanted but….couldn't help myself! ;)

Now back to the original question…..     For me it is the Lion!   What about you guys?


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