Sunday, June 24, 2012


I love your "I could do this in my street clothes . . . "  At our local 5K there was a kids run.  Which Sam decided at the last minute he wanted to do.  In a woven camp shirt, twill shorts and crocs.  Doug managed to get his tennies to him last minute (not that Sam was bothered) so he was at the back of the pack.  He finished 4th in this whole swarm of kids (many 2 yrs older). I was so proud of him - in his street clothes!

I do like the idea of a positive mantra.  I will have to ponder that. I would like to put in my SMASH album (which is just collecting things, not writing in it yet) a top 10 list of our favorite running lines. Street clothes is going to make it.  And "it takes longer to scrapbook a half marathon than to run one" (do you remember saying that?)  Let me know what else you come up with!

Backup plans . . . interesting concept.  Tmrw I have 3 m on my list (at a certain heartrate, which I can't do yet b/c no battery - but we'll ignore that).  Rob has to leave for ball at 6:50, Sam has to get to camp at 8. In the evening, all 3 have to get somewhere.  My best bet is to get up at 6 and go before the day gets crazy. Not my strength. Backup plan? 

I need to think through some back up plans for my food (like when I'm stuck and can't get to what I planned to). 

I am a little off my 1000 mile plan, but logging in at 426/1000!  I hoped to hit 500 by month end, and I had a great week (hit my 43 miles) then I gained weight and got pissed and went to NY (although we did walk over 2 hrs one nite! I logged that as 6 m). So I proceeded to do nothing for 4 days. A lot were on the bike this month, but they were "concentrated" miles, which required an effort. Like I not only forced myself to ride to the post office but to take a long route (5 m vs. 2 m). Or not getting exercise in and riding 8-10m at dusk before the day is over. I didn't really start until mid-Jan, so I think I can still catch up!

 And meanwhile, I think I should throw my scale out.

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