Sunday, September 25, 2011

Checking In

Greetings all --

I can't tell you how excited I get when I see an email pop up telling me somebody posted on the blog.  I love reading what everyone is thinking.  Sorry I have been so bad about posting recently.  Trying to keep all the balls in the time and energy consuming.

I'm just finishing a book -- so I will see if the book Jessica mentioned is available for my kindle.  And its possible the Chicago weekend might work.  Can everyone get there Friday?  I'm heading to NY after -- so it makes more sense if we can have Friday there -- or at least most of it there.  I would then fly to NY on Sunday or first thing Monday morning.  Let me know if that works for the you guys.

Just 2 weeks till the AT -- not even actually.  I can't believe it!

Mom seems to be getting stronger -- so we are going to look at an assisted living option.  She is extremely aggravated with us -- but I'm trying to talk her through it.  I guess that's what I have to say for now.

Happy Sunday!


Friday, September 23, 2011

Today's Inspirational Quote

"Live life and take chances. Believe that everything happens for a reason and don't regret. Love to the fullest and you will find true happiness in life. Realize that things go wrong and people change, but things do go on. Sometimes things weren't meant to be. What is supposed to happen will work its way out."

-- Author Unknown

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Book Title

I have a book suggestion!
Hike Your Own Hike by Francis Tapon.

It's about two people, who had "good" lives (goods jobs, etc) but not "amazing" ones. So of course they set off on the App Trail. It's not about how to backpack, but "how to live." "It will reawaken your spirit and energize your soul." It teaches you why the AT teaches more about human nature than mother nature.
The author is a life coach (degree in religion, then an MBA from Harvard - interesting) and has that caustic/self-effacing dry sense of humor that I enjoy. Easy to read (with pictures!)
I'm not done with it, but enjoying it, and seems like a topic that could juice us all up right now.

So go Hike Your Own Hike!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Fall!

It's the official start of "FALL" this week, and you all know the statistics! This is the time of year that people start putting weight on (or as my WW Leader used to call it, Food Season).
Let's make a pact! We will not succumb! We will not be another statistic! We can maintain our weight through the Fall and Winter and only focus on getting in to training shape for a new adventure next spring!

Let's Do it!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mission Accomplished!

I am going to share something positive!
I completed one of my New Year's Resolutions (which I have pondered longer than that, frankly . . . ). I completed a digital scrapbook as a gift for our neighbors. It has been hanging over my head for months, and I finished and sent it off! Whoo Hooo! Nothing like completing a big project (that I think I'm gonna like - as long as it turns out like the preview on line!).
We have to celebrate our accomplishments, b/c these things clutter our brains as much as the other stuff!
Now on the next project on my list . . .

Day of Rest!

Hi all --

I completed my 8 mile hike -- but it wasn't easy!  It was more difficult than I would have imagined.  And yes I carried my pack -- 20 lbs. of assorted household things.  I admit I felt pretty silly piling out of my car with enough gear to stay overnight.  I quickly announced to the group I was just practicing -- not planning to camp.  The 20 or so other hikers were nice as could be -- mostly women in there late 40's and early 50's....many hiking with friends.  My observation about hiking is's not hard to do, but the fact that it takes typically 30 minutes to do a mile can really exhaust you if you are doing many miles.  Our hike of 8 miles took 4 1/2 hours (including a lunch stop....and my first visit to a latrine).  It was in the high 50's and I was sweating like crazy!  Since I know you are interested Jessica -- I believe I covered an elevation change of 650 ft.  As low as 650ft up to 1300ft.  So this is a sport of endurance....slow and steady!  I'm sore today in some odd spots....but not bad.  A bit frightened of how I might feel after doing this 4 days in a row.

On to the other big aspect of my life right Mom.  We put her in a nursing home on Saturday a week ago yesterday.  It was difficult, she didn't want to go, does't want to be there......but unfortunately needs to be.  So I have been trying to get her settled, organize her home and her life so that it can be navigated from Duluth, MN and trying to find peace with my decisions.

I have another thing going on that I will share with you guys when we talk -- don't want to post it.  All of this is making me super emotional.  That or my hormones are in high gear.  But I am crying at the drop of a hat....seriously -- a song, a thought, etc.  You name it -- it seems to make me emotional.  I'm not super sad -- just emotional.

Jess -- just bought another boatload of stuff from REI.  It's crazy......the trip is $500 -- but the gear to take the trip is $1500!  We'll need to hike the AT....just to get our monies worth.

Last but not least -- the Chicago idea.  I need to work through the calendar a bit.  But love the idea!!!!

That's all for now!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

My 1st Big Hike

Well I'm just about to embark on my first ling hike with 20lb pack in tow. Headed to the Temperance River State Park. I'll let you know how it goes!


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Monday, September 12, 2011

November 5th

November 5th is good for me! I can come in Friday afternoon. I am leaving for Italy right now and can't wait to get there. I am gone for 10 days so i will catch up when i get back!


BTW, I think it would be great fun to work on Jodie's suggestion to meet, perhaps in Chicago! I'm game - I think you guys may have the more complicated schedules, so you would have to start the process. Between Melissa and I, we do know some good stops! (like GINO's PIZZA!).

You know me, I like to have that little motivational (rationalization) for a trip of drinking, shopping, and other indulgences and there are often events along the Lake Shore. One that recently caught my eye is the HOT CHOCOLATE 5k (Jodie and I can do 5 - Mel you can do the 15K!). It is sponsored by Ghiradelli Chocoloate. Right up my alley! It is Nov 5th. I would love to go, but if that is too soon, they have a huge St. Pat's one too that I've heard is great fun - although the weather in Mar is always a little suspect there.

Keep me posted if any dates arise. I am happy to help with planning!

Short Streak

That was the shortest streak ever! Why can I be so motivated to get up at 4:30 am to walk (and do push ups) not to mention walk 3 m at midnite in the pouring rain and wind (turning my feet completely black and bloody, I might add!) then not even make time on a Sun to get it in? I have lots of valid explinations - but short of telling you that I broke both legs I'm sure you don't need to hear them. I ate like crap all weekend (pretty much all week, frankly). I feel fat, hands puffy, etc. What is my problem?! I know I have to wear jeans soon!

New day (am I the Queen of new days, or what?), Life is short as Jodie says, and there is still 3 wks before the AT. So there is still hope! I got moving this morning, got my walk in, and work out scheduled over lunch. I need to focus on one day at a time.

Hope your weekends were better!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Today's Inspirational Quote

"Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.
Laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of what you can't change. Love deeply and forgive quickly. Take chances. Give everything and have no regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy. You have to take the good with the bad.
Smile when you're sad, love what you got, and always remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from your mistakes but never regret. People change, and things go wrong but always remember... life goes on!"

-- Author unknown

This showed up today and thought of posting it

Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life

Finding my Happiness again has been the journey i have been on for the last 6 months since everything went down in work for me. Somehow i realized that i lost myself during the process of going after someone elses goal for myself. I am now on the journey of finding myself and what makes me happy! Guess what i really like myself and have learned not to be so hard on myself too! I think we are all going through some kind of journey and i think this is why we have been brought together in life and on the blog. I always say to Melissa that there is a reason we became friends and we were brought into each other lives at this time!
I would love to fly west and spend a weekend with the two of you in the fall. I have never been to chicago and would love to go!!! Let me know if we can make this work!
I have sign up for a 5k at the end of september to get me back to exercising. I needed to push myself out of my lazy state!
I leave for Italy for 10 days next Monday and can not wait! I am going with a friend who has planned the whole trip and all i have to do is show up!
Happiness is my way of life!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Master of Destiny!

Wow - we need to talk! First of all, nice to hear from you. I know that you are busy and cannot respond to all of my random emails; I was thinking Tim took you away for a long weekend to detox maybe!

This topic is too complex to write about - hence the need for talking (and wine drinking). It effects many levels. Having made a career decision awhile back (can you believe it has been 6 yrs?) I might have some insight to share re: the corporate value proposition. I couldn't articulate it at the time, but not feeling "valuable" was honestly one of my many factors for leaving my position. I feel I add value to my current company every day - it is very different. But on other levels, I just read a book titled "Die Fat or Get Tough" which basically is the same message - accept that you are the master of your destiny (weight) and that is the difference in thinking between fat people and skinny people.

We are going to hear Dean Karnazes speak on Thurs - have you read any of his books? (the ultramarathon guy). I think they are funny. (he tells of running all night, then being giddy at a wedding reception b/c of that - pigging out at the buffet- and was introduced to a Senator and blew carrot out his nose from laughing). He will probably have some insight on this topic, b/c he relates his running escapades to life. The proceeds all go to the Ice Age Trail! (b/c there is now an IAT 50!). It all comes full circle - if you hadn't "made" me run a half, then I wouldn't have been interested in this "hobby" and the kooks involved; which lead to understanding hiking more and what can be accomplished, which lead to the IAT goal, which leads back to Dean . . . am I making sense? It's all valuable!

I can't wait to see you!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

What I have to say for myself

Everyday I intend to blog....and then I don't and then something else happens and I think oh....I should blog that but I haven't.  Jodie has called me....Jessica has emailed me repeatedly and I seem to be MIA.

Let me try to catch everyone up at the same time.  I was first of all in Toronto last week scoping out competition and the customers.  Trip went well overall -- got back Thursday around noon.  Instead of going into the office as I had planned -- I chose to spend the time at home catching up and relaxing.  What a good thing......  I can't tell you how much renewal I got from that one afternoon.  I had a call Skype called planned with Susie from I took this time to reflect on what I truly wanted from this work.  It was a bit of an "ah hah" moment for me.  I've likely said it a hundred times in some form....but not as clearly as it came to me on Thursday.  So in true Strozzi form I would like to state....

I am the commitment to being the master of my own destiny.

And let me say this -- for many years in my life I did basically what I wanted -- but I have slipped into this world of accomplishing other people's goals for me, meeting their standards, allowing myself to only be happy if other's were happy with me.  If my boss thinks I'm good -- then it must be true and vice versa.  I have allowed my value to be based on how other's valued me.  This job change really struck the nail on the head.  I felt completely unvalued by my company.  [Note to all:  do not mention our company names in this blog.  I know we search all blogs for our company name being used and that could allow all of this conversation to be public]  I also realized I know particular career path in mind and it was blatantly apparent all of a sudden.  So I felt exposed and de-valued.  I don't know exactly how....but I am going to own my life going forward.  I suspect I'll fall back about a million times....but got to start at some point.    I could say a lot more but I'll stop there for now.

Now on more of a family level.....

My Mom's caregiver called me yesterday to say Mom is mentally very confused and experiencing a lot of anxiety.  She imagines someone is taking her home, that they are tearing off the roof, there is writing on the floor, etc.  Don't know what is happening....waiting for a call from the hospital or Cora.  So not sure at this point what the next move is.

Trying to enjoy Labor Day weekend with Tim......headed to NYC on Tuesday.  So that catches everyone up on the big stuff.  Oh let me end on a positive note.....went running on Saturday for the 1st time in 2 months!  Yahoo!