Monday, September 5, 2011

Master of Destiny!

Wow - we need to talk! First of all, nice to hear from you. I know that you are busy and cannot respond to all of my random emails; I was thinking Tim took you away for a long weekend to detox maybe!

This topic is too complex to write about - hence the need for talking (and wine drinking). It effects many levels. Having made a career decision awhile back (can you believe it has been 6 yrs?) I might have some insight to share re: the corporate value proposition. I couldn't articulate it at the time, but not feeling "valuable" was honestly one of my many factors for leaving my position. I feel I add value to my current company every day - it is very different. But on other levels, I just read a book titled "Die Fat or Get Tough" which basically is the same message - accept that you are the master of your destiny (weight) and that is the difference in thinking between fat people and skinny people.

We are going to hear Dean Karnazes speak on Thurs - have you read any of his books? (the ultramarathon guy). I think they are funny. (he tells of running all night, then being giddy at a wedding reception b/c of that - pigging out at the buffet- and was introduced to a Senator and blew carrot out his nose from laughing). He will probably have some insight on this topic, b/c he relates his running escapades to life. The proceeds all go to the Ice Age Trail! (b/c there is now an IAT 50!). It all comes full circle - if you hadn't "made" me run a half, then I wouldn't have been interested in this "hobby" and the kooks involved; which lead to understanding hiking more and what can be accomplished, which lead to the IAT goal, which leads back to Dean . . . am I making sense? It's all valuable!

I can't wait to see you!

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