Monday, May 30, 2011

Oh yeh....that's why I run!

Just had someone ask me this week.....why do you run?  I gave my standard answer.  I don't love it -- but it's easy, simple and a great way to burn calories -- in as short of time as possible.

Then due to the the rain and my general exhaustion.....I didn't run with my group on Saturday.  So I was left to run alone on Sunday.  Needed to log 12 miles.  So at about 9am -- I headed out to complete the task. It was semi-sunny and in the mid 50's.  Decided to run toward a neighborhood I always want to explore...but don't.  You see I'm always in a hurry -- no time to be aimlessly exploring.  As I neared the turn....thought what the heck maybe I'll run to the local country club.....wonder how far that actually is.  On the way there I found a trailhead.  Took a little turn and found a new place I'd never been.  Then another trailhead and oh yeh, a fast running stream and a small waterfall.  Made it to the club and saw a deer running right up the driveway......wonder if she was a member????  Then headed back and still made it through the neighborhood I wanted to see.  And yet another trailhead.  Who knew.  This trip also took me by a church with an organized event to bless bikes -- yeh motorcycles!  That was a sight to see -- 500 plus bikes and bikers getting a nod from the big guy upstairs!

It was all an excellent reminder why I run -- not to complete a task...but to explore on my own what I have missed before!


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