Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I needed this!

Ok ladies --

As you both know I have been struggling with my work changes -- I've had a conversation with everybody but God about it!  Actually I did speak to God -- but I think you know what I meant by the comment.  I go through one day and I'm fine....then the next one I'm riddled with anxiety.  Not sure when the announcement is coming...in some ways I want it to happen and just be over -- but then I know there is no going back afterwards.

I have also been struggling with eating and working out.  Typical Melissa behavior.....all on or all off!  So I have 2 days on.....assuming I don't have any kind of emotional breakdown tonight.  I think I'm safe for now.

Seeing everyone posting really made me feel better.  I clearly prefer dealing with other people's problems instead of my own.  So nothing profound to say -- but thanks guys!

Jodie -- I'll see you soon....can't wait to hang out!

Jessica -- you are right!  One day at a time!


Monday, July 18, 2011


Hi Jodie!
It's so nice to see you back! I'm here working and saw your post, so immediately took a pause to write back. We all go through "ebbs and flows" - it's the cycle of life! But it is great that you are taking a step back towards something you like and want to do. It is hard for all of us - I have been so on track, but this week I am at my sister-in-laws in Houston (read HOT) and she is 34 wks pregnant w/ twins so not moving so fast. The first two days I got up early, ran, etc; then came the daily Mexican food, baby shower, mall stops, etc etc and it just gets so easy for those old habits to creep back up. Here I am up early, but working . . . a personal priority slip!

But we are strong, and we can do it!

One day at a time! Remember how great you felt and how much fun you had!

i'm back...

i am back...
well, i have been going through some personal challenges that i have been trying to work through and i thought why not share with the two of you. if i get it out maybe i can move on.... As you both know i loved doing the mud run, but since that time i haven't exercise but 2 times. i couldn't figure out why until last week after meeting Susie .( Melissa and my coach) As susie calls it , it's my old friend or pattern of behavior came back. I shut down on life! I gave up on myself! It comes out in many forms, relationships, work, eating and exercise. Well i am putting this down on the blog so i can move on... Today is a new day! i know that everyday i need to work on these behavior to stay in the game of life... i know what that feels like (life) and i love it! so writing it down is my first step! maybe going to the gym tonight will be my second step!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer in Duluth!

Mark your calendar....July 16th!  It's hot, humid and sunny.  I have no personal accomplishment to post -- just trying to hold my head above water and maintain some level of sanity.  I intended to do a guided hike this weekend -- but backed out when I realized it required a 2 hour drive each way.  I did go running....so I suppose that counts as something.
Starting another book about hiking -- key learning......uphill hiker always has the right of way.  Learned other stuff to -- but not as easy to explain! :)  I have sztarted to tell others about the big adventure on Oct 6th....I still can't quite believe it myself.  I need to research a little on NH......curious about weather, etc.

Less than 3 months to go!

By the way -- so cool about Doug and his triathlon!   Tim just got a hole-in-one on Thursday!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mr. T

I had to share how The Streak touches others . . . Doug successfully finished his first Triathalon today! He did great for a first attempt, and of course has the bug for another!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


I climbed over the 20 ft wall today! I know this accomplishment would be much more meaningful with a photo post, but I was so excited that I had to share right away. Whoo Hoo! The trainer was right at the top, coaching me along, but I did it (without looking down!) so I can just cross that off the imaginary list!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mud Update

Jodie can't be the only one to get muddy this year! I have an event in Aug, and I think Melissa has one coming up as well. For fun, as an alternate workout, I signed up for an 8 wk "Dirty Girl" training session. We have a Military Academy a few blocks away, and they have a ropes course. So on Thurs there we were, working on hopping over fences. About 100 times. Imagine, a fence about chest high, so you push yourself up, and swing a leg up so the sole of your foot is on the top. Then swing over. Over and over. My left glute is SO SORE I had to get up in the middle of the night and take some advil (and this is two days later!)

I got over the 5 ft wall OK, and climbed up the 20 but chickened out at the top and couldn't get over! LOL. The one is the event is only like 10 ft so I think I'll be fine but isn't that funny. I think I need some mental coaching!

So Beach/BodyBug combo working well - down 11 pounds which has not happened in YEARS. I had a goal of 15 by vacation (12 weeks) so I am on track. 4 lbs left, in 3 weeks. Whoo Hoo!