I hope everyone is relaxing and having a laid back day on this eve of our WOO challenge. I think I am ready to get started.
Little R -- I do have Skype, haven't done a 3-way call but willing to give it a try. And…..I love meal planning, shopping, cooking, etc. so if you ever want to spend a few hours together I think I could get you going on a routine. Now if you could teach me to crochet -- then just think of what we could accomplish!
I have to say -- I feel like we have one up on everyone else. I feel like my resolutions are organized and well-thought out. BTW -- Little R…….what did you decide on?
So for now I wish you both a peaceful end to 2013 and an optimistic entry into 2014!
P.S. Ethel, I hope your run was good….and you didn't freeze!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Meal Planning and Grocery list App
Hi Ladies,
I too am looking for ways to plan meals for the family this year. My biggest problem has been the time involved in the whole process of finding recipes, keeping them organized, and making a shopping list. This took too much time, and I basically quit doing it after a couple of days.
I found a new app that takes a huge amount of time out of the process. You can find a recipe you want online, add it to your recipe box in the app, click on the recipe, and you will have the option of adding all the ingredients to your shopping list. There is also a meal planning option in this app. This cuts out a huge amount of time for me. I thought I would share.
The app is called ziplist meal planning and grocery list app. Love it!
Little R
I too am looking for ways to plan meals for the family this year. My biggest problem has been the time involved in the whole process of finding recipes, keeping them organized, and making a shopping list. This took too much time, and I basically quit doing it after a couple of days.
I found a new app that takes a huge amount of time out of the process. You can find a recipe you want online, add it to your recipe box in the app, click on the recipe, and you will have the option of adding all the ingredients to your shopping list. There is also a meal planning option in this app. This cuts out a huge amount of time for me. I thought I would share.
The app is called ziplist meal planning and grocery list app. Love it!
Little R
Sunday, December 29, 2013
3 Way Calling
Okay. Nevermind. The app was free, but the calls were not. Skype allows three way calls. Would y'all want to try that instead?
3 way calling
I got an app on my iphone to enable free three way calling. I have never used it, but it has great reviews (but only 7 of them). It is called Group Calling by Keku, LLC. It was free. Do you guys want to try it out? I could also try it out here with Matt and a friend to see if it works.
Wow! This is so hard.
You guys are so interesting! I love reading your posts.
I am going to contemplate these goals some more before the end of the year, but here is my first pass.
Brain: I'm going to change at least 12 of my core beliefs. I'm going to journal every day about automatic thoughts I have vs. what an objective person would say to me. I didn't say that very well. I said it fine. (ha!)
Heart: My goal here is to do things that will enable me to be as active as I would like to be later in life. I am not as concerned with distance as I am speed and agility. By the end of the year I would like to be able to run 5k in 24 minutes, ride 12 miles on a bike in 40 minutes, and master some beginning yoga rasa poses. I have to do at least one workout in each category every week.
Courage: This is where I am going to work in spirituality. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do here yet.
Home: I want to implement "7 Habits of Highly Effective Families". My main goal is to open up the communication in our household. I'm going to propose one family meeting a month. Those should be very interesting with two year old twins. It's a start.
The character I identify most with is the scarecrow. I feel like my thinking is messed up and it is hindering my progress. If I only had a (re-programmed) brain!
Little Ricky
You guys are so interesting! I love reading your posts.
I am going to contemplate these goals some more before the end of the year, but here is my first pass.
Brain: I'm going to change at least 12 of my core beliefs. I'm going to journal every day about automatic thoughts I have vs. what an objective person would say to me. I didn't say that very well. I said it fine. (ha!)
Heart: My goal here is to do things that will enable me to be as active as I would like to be later in life. I am not as concerned with distance as I am speed and agility. By the end of the year I would like to be able to run 5k in 24 minutes, ride 12 miles on a bike in 40 minutes, and master some beginning yoga rasa poses. I have to do at least one workout in each category every week.
Courage: This is where I am going to work in spirituality. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do here yet.
Home: I want to implement "7 Habits of Highly Effective Families". My main goal is to open up the communication in our household. I'm going to propose one family meeting a month. Those should be very interesting with two year old twins. It's a start.
The character I identify most with is the scarecrow. I feel like my thinking is messed up and it is hindering my progress. If I only had a (re-programmed) brain!
Little Ricky
Friday, December 27, 2013
Character ID
A MUNCHKIN! Short, fat, odd . . . what can I say?
OK, Just kidding. I have to ponder this one a little more! :)
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Question……Which Character do you most relate to from WizofOz?
Ponder that for a minute……..
Feedback for my dear Ethel!
1. You know how I feel about journaling -- its the holy grail of WW if you ask me! I truly believe you will have much success with this. I really want you to get pumped about this process. So here are some fun things to consider.
3. Meal planning -- good for you. This is something else I love….so i will support you in whatever way I can. Let me know your favorite types of food and I will keep my eyes out for ideas. Just read about some queso dip at Trader Joes that is super low in points and supposedly good. I plan to check it out tomorrow…..I'll keep you posted!
4. You go girl! I will keep this in the back of my mind….since I really can't swim either!
Ok -- that's maybe more feedback and commentary than you wanted but….couldn't help myself! ;)
Now back to the original question….. For me it is the Lion! What about you guys?
Feedback for my dear Ethel!
1. You know how I feel about journaling -- its the holy grail of WW if you ask me! I truly believe you will have much success with this. I really want you to get pumped about this process. So here are some fun things to consider.
- decorate it, color on the pages, use stickers to denote things that matter, add pictures, make it a work of art and love…..the more you prize it, the more you will use it. I literally have mine with me all the time. I keep it next to me like a security blanket. I use to feel agitated if I went to work and forgot it at home. Crazy I know, but once you confide all your secrets to it and make it your own…..I hope you will feel the same.
- in the beginning really take the time to look things up and measure -- you will reference things all the time, so get it right the 1st time. I actually find the etools the quickest and easiest place to look up point values. I use to use the books -- but it feels more accurate and easier online. You can get very exact in what you are looking for!
- i use the journal to do other stuff to -- like I keep small post it notes on my pages. I use them to plan my to do list for the next day. SInce I look at my journal many times a day, it keeps me focused on what I need to accomplish.
- last but not least, I encourage you to try and use all the pages/sections. I admit I don't check the boxes (good health guidelines) or designate the power foods specifically, but otherwise I am pretty damn good. I use the weekly routines to set mini goals for my week. I love checking things off and feeling like I accomplished stuff.
3. Meal planning -- good for you. This is something else I love….so i will support you in whatever way I can. Let me know your favorite types of food and I will keep my eyes out for ideas. Just read about some queso dip at Trader Joes that is super low in points and supposedly good. I plan to check it out tomorrow…..I'll keep you posted!
4. You go girl! I will keep this in the back of my mind….since I really can't swim either!
Ok -- that's maybe more feedback and commentary than you wanted but….couldn't help myself! ;)
Now back to the original question….. For me it is the Lion! What about you guys?
OZ Challenge!

Here it goes . . . we still have a week to contemplate, but this is what I am thinking for my goals. It seems a little daunting right now, but OZ was a challenge for Dorothy, right? And she made it there - so all challenges are possible to achieve!
BRAIN: I will write down what I eat every day. This will be my "streak" item, so each day that I do not honestly, that day, write down what I consume I will put a dollar in the "pot." This takes focus, concentration and commitment which involves my brain! Of course there are side effects - I hope to weigh and measure more accurately and be conscious at all times what really goes in my body.
HEART: I commit to 150 workouts during the year. Basically 3/wk, but I hope to try to stay on task by quarter. I believe this gives me the flexibility to do different things over the year, as well as when I travel or if I feel sick a day. It is achievable, but enough of a challenge to take some work. A workout is a deliberate effort to raise my heart rate for a minimum of 30 min. (my physical goal).
HOME: (don't laugh, but you know it's true) I will cook at least one meal for my family a week. When I eat well, plan a grocery list, and set an example, they all eat well. Hopefully this will really mean I plan menus more consistently, have healthy choices in the house, and we all benefit most days, but the actual challenge is once a week.
COURAGE: The place in my life where I am definitely out of my comfort zone is clearly water. And I don't want to be - my kids love the water parks and pools, I have often been invited to SUP, on friends boats to tube . . . I have kayaked, which I like, but it is just not in my comfort zone. SO, at some point this winter (that lasts until May here, FYI) I am going to take another swim class, and over the summer participate in some activity in the water. Not clear what that is yet, but I will know it when the opportunity arises.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Wizard of Oz Challenge 2014
Merry Christmas to all!
I have to say I have been thinking a lot about our new challenge and really trying to craft the perfect set of goals for myself. Ethel sent this message from Pinterest and I love it. It is perfect for me and my state of mind as I head into 2014!
This is my first pass at my challenge -- I am anxious to hear what you guys are thinking for yourself. I may need to adapt if you have something that interests me....so stay tuned!
First I am starting with a mission statement of sorts.....
"This is my life, my choices, my mistakes and my lessons. I have nothing to prove. And as long as I'm not hurting people, I need not worry what they think of me."
[I got this from one of the Mark and Angel Hack postings -- want to give credit where credit is due]
Now the challenge itself!
Brain: finish 2 current books in progress and read 4 additional books [as a reference I don't think I finished one book last year.....I would start them and then loose interest]
Heart: complete 8 of the 30 Day Fitness Challenges [there is a website and app for this program if you want to check it out] Obviously this will be my ACTIVE category.
Courage: commit to tracking my food intake everyday for 2014......I am at my goal weight -- but this is critical to maintain -- this will be my STREAK activity!
Home: learn to crochet.....and make at least one mini-afghan!
There are a few other things I considered -- but they just didn't fill the bill for me. I still may do some of them in a modified way, but don't want to commit for the year. I plan to be much more active than just the HEART goal -- but wanted this challenge to be layered on to my current activity.
I hope you are both having a wonderful day!!!!!
Friday, November 29, 2013
Does 2 Days make a Streak?
What is the technical definition of a streak? I got two days strung together . . . that may just be the hardest part!
I did make two shopping stops this morning, which I now think I have to return 80% of. Teenagers. But that is a digression for another day. Then I putzed around with a few projects at home. Which led to waiting for the twins to wake up so we could Skype (how's that for a new excuse?!) and then I was caught in the world's longest game of Trouble. When I looked outside, it was dark already!
But, Doug reminded me that I could go to the Y. I invited my 16 yr old slug, and he wanted to go with me! So how could I back down? We went, quickly did our workout (I ran on the tm) and now I am home, feeling all proud of myself getting ready to eat (GUILT FREE) my Friday piece of pizza!
I did make two shopping stops this morning, which I now think I have to return 80% of. Teenagers. But that is a digression for another day. Then I putzed around with a few projects at home. Which led to waiting for the twins to wake up so we could Skype (how's that for a new excuse?!) and then I was caught in the world's longest game of Trouble. When I looked outside, it was dark already!
But, Doug reminded me that I could go to the Y. I invited my 16 yr old slug, and he wanted to go with me! So how could I back down? We went, quickly did our workout (I ran on the tm) and now I am home, feeling all proud of myself getting ready to eat (GUILT FREE) my Friday piece of pizza!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Holiday Streak In Progress . . .
First off, congrats to LUCY for completing her Turkey Trot! A great addition to the bib collection.
As you know, I have been in a very deep rut, and was inspired from an article to attempt a Holiday Streak. It was timely, b/c I had a few days to mentally prepare, but not so long to come up with enough excuses not to. Then I saw your text, so I was even more motivated.
I waited until 10, hoping the temp would go up a little bit, but knew if I waited much longer it wasn't going to happen. Of course I choose T-Day to start, so the YMCA is not open which means I have to run outside. So it hit 28 degrees, I bundled up and off I went. I jogged two miles . .. a few walk breaks in there, but honestly I think I deserve a bib just for going! LOL. The good news is that there was little traffic today, so I could run on the street and avoid most of the icy patches and snow sludge. I think I lost a pound just in water dripping from my eyes and nose. Lucy, I know you have been there - I just add the description to amuse B, and remind you (L) how thankful you should be for your move!
Do you ever wonder when cars pass what they are thinking? I wave jauntily (this is fun, right?) and I know when I am driving and see people out, I usually feel admiration for them (that guy is so fat - but look, he is out trying to get in shape) or guilt (I see that lady out walking every day - why can't I do that?). So I tried to imagine what they are thinking based on the car . . . two fat guys in camo and packer gear in a truck? Probably thought I was a nut. A neighbor I know - probably thinks I am so good, running so I can eat pie later (somehow I have this image that they all THINK I am so healthy!). It was an amusing way to pass the time.
Of course, end of story, it was not nearly as bad as it sounds. I felt fine, although out of shape. As I was stretching I turned on the Macy's parade, and there was this group that jump roped the whole parade route. Can you imagine jumping for like an hour straight? The hot shower felt great. And of course I now feel like I can take on the world. That's all I needed - was to get out and do it.
― Lucille Ball
As you know, I have been in a very deep rut, and was inspired from an article to attempt a Holiday Streak. It was timely, b/c I had a few days to mentally prepare, but not so long to come up with enough excuses not to. Then I saw your text, so I was even more motivated.
I waited until 10, hoping the temp would go up a little bit, but knew if I waited much longer it wasn't going to happen. Of course I choose T-Day to start, so the YMCA is not open which means I have to run outside. So it hit 28 degrees, I bundled up and off I went. I jogged two miles . .. a few walk breaks in there, but honestly I think I deserve a bib just for going! LOL. The good news is that there was little traffic today, so I could run on the street and avoid most of the icy patches and snow sludge. I think I lost a pound just in water dripping from my eyes and nose. Lucy, I know you have been there - I just add the description to amuse B, and remind you (L) how thankful you should be for your move!
Do you ever wonder when cars pass what they are thinking? I wave jauntily (this is fun, right?) and I know when I am driving and see people out, I usually feel admiration for them (that guy is so fat - but look, he is out trying to get in shape) or guilt (I see that lady out walking every day - why can't I do that?). So I tried to imagine what they are thinking based on the car . . . two fat guys in camo and packer gear in a truck? Probably thought I was a nut. A neighbor I know - probably thinks I am so good, running so I can eat pie later (somehow I have this image that they all THINK I am so healthy!). It was an amusing way to pass the time.
Of course, end of story, it was not nearly as bad as it sounds. I felt fine, although out of shape. As I was stretching I turned on the Macy's parade, and there was this group that jump roped the whole parade route. Can you imagine jumping for like an hour straight? The hot shower felt great. And of course I now feel like I can take on the world. That's all I needed - was to get out and do it.
Remember - you only have to exercise on days that you eat!

“It doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optismism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself”
― Lucille Ball
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
November Mission: Almost Accomplished!
Happy Thanksgiving Eve Eve!
I registered yesterday for my 1st run since our Wineglass Half Marathon in September of last year....and my 1st run in Texas! Yes -- a Turkey Trot 5K. The girl told me there was approx 30K people signed up -- should be super crowded. There is a 10K, 5K and Kiddie run/walk. This may be the biggest group I've ever run in -- cant recall how many were registered for the South Beach Half.

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! We are of course staying close to home and celebrating quietly.
I registered yesterday for my 1st run since our Wineglass Half Marathon in September of last year....and my 1st run in Texas! Yes -- a Turkey Trot 5K. The girl told me there was approx 30K people signed up -- should be super crowded. There is a 10K, 5K and Kiddie run/walk. This may be the biggest group I've ever run in -- cant recall how many were registered for the South Beach Half.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! We are of course staying close to home and celebrating quietly.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Not the typical treats, I realize, but I picked them up last night and that is what the "Vitamin Coach" told me when he handed me the bag!
I'll back up . . . you may recall that one of my New Year's Resolutions was to cook more (so I have taken some cooking classes - one this month is Mediterranean Cooking coincidentally - will explain below) and eat fish once a week b/c these things are proven to be healthy. Plus you know that I read everything I can find on clean eating and see my naturopath to try to help me figure out how to feel better. I just feel crappy so much of the time, and everything spirals out of that. The weight frustration, sore muscles, itchy eyes, insomnia, etc etc. Anyhow, I attended this "Pathways to Health" seminar on detoxing (at my PCAP pharmacy). I took the in depth quiz, and I am HIGHLY toxic! It just explains so many of my symptoms.
So I am starting my month by detoxing my liver. The program is 21 days, and seems pretty manageable (I take a lot of these supplements anyway). The first two days are a fast (that's a scary word - not really, you have protein shakes and supplements. I counted my points!) and then you can eat normally except for a short list of common allergens (like peanuts). The detox is actually only 7 days, and the balance is an effort to get on a healthy/regenerating eating path. We have three classes during the protocol to learn about clean eating, supplementation, and the Med Diet which they profess, which I find interesting regardless.
Hopefully I will enter this dark, dreary time of year (in WI) and New Year with renewed vigor!
Nov, Dec - we can do it! Let's finish the BMW Challenge strong!
Nov challenge . . . I think we are all kind of doing this anyway, so I am going to make it official. FOUR DAYS of some kind of cardio - 30 min of getting your heart rate up. Since it's "food season" we need to keep the calorie burn going. Whatever activity floats your boat - just a minimum of 4 days and 30 min. This is such a busy, busy time of year but this is attainable! Make the time.
KICKER - find some kind of event to participate in this month. Surely you can find a Turkey Trot, or some kind of charity walk, or bike ride - anything counts as long as it is cardio. Creativity allowed - meaning if you really can't get to one, then make up your own but it has to be something that you don't normally do (a different place to hike or something). A planned, "special" thing that you can call your own event!
Stay the course, ladies! The New Year is approaching!
Nov challenge . . . I think we are all kind of doing this anyway, so I am going to make it official. FOUR DAYS of some kind of cardio - 30 min of getting your heart rate up. Since it's "food season" we need to keep the calorie burn going. Whatever activity floats your boat - just a minimum of 4 days and 30 min. This is such a busy, busy time of year but this is attainable! Make the time.
KICKER - find some kind of event to participate in this month. Surely you can find a Turkey Trot, or some kind of charity walk, or bike ride - anything counts as long as it is cardio. Creativity allowed - meaning if you really can't get to one, then make up your own but it has to be something that you don't normally do (a different place to hike or something). A planned, "special" thing that you can call your own event!
Stay the course, ladies! The New Year is approaching!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
My goal is to work out 4 days this week. Matt is in Australia, so I have to make the lunch time workout at the gym. I am going to try Dr. Oz's 3 day detox this week. I half way did it a couple of weeks ago and I really felt a lot better. This time, I'm going to try to do it religiously for 3 days and hopefully can make some positive changes in my diet.
I am supposed to be able to request my first unemployment check tomorrow. I request it tomorrow and get it in two weeks. I wasn't going to apply for it but F... Oba.. I want to make the reported unemployment statistics. I am still applying for jobs through linked in and through the flex jobs program I signed up with. My main focus is still on working for myself with an online business. I'm learning more every day. I still may be a few months (or years, ha) away from making money. I have new strategies I'm trying out, and it is interesting enough for me stay motivated to pursue something along this lines. I'm completely with you Lucy, I don't want to work for anyone ever again. I am so done with that.
I dressed the kids up last Friday for a trick or treat event at their school. Rachel is Abby Cadabby (a fairy on Sesame Street. And Robert is Elmo. Jessica I tried to call you Friday night to share in the excitement. The kids were so fun. Robert didn't want to take his costume off, even though he was sweating in it. Gross. He really loved his Elmo costume.
Here is what I'm really proud of: the night Rachel got to wear her costume she was ecstatic! She said "thank you, mommy" over and over. Each time I added an accessory (like her wand, or her shoes) she would say, "oh, thank you mommy". How sweet is that!!! I'm so proud to be raising grateful kids. They both definitely keep me going.
I'm going to change my sign off name to little r (little rebecca instead of little ricky).
More later,
Little r
Saturday, October 26, 2013
New Week -- New Goals!
Let me start by saying I have officially been unemployed for 7 weeks. It has been better than I could have ever imagined. I have finally gained some control over myself and my happiness.
Thank God for the wake-up call! I needed it! I still feel like saying F___! CC -- but all in all I'm better for it.
I'm down 5 lbs. since my last day -- of course I still have way to go....considering I am still currently 10 lbs heavier than when I came to Houston! But I am on the right track!
Just left Jessica a message to encourage her -- Becca.....you've been off the grid? What's going on in your world?
Here are my WW goals for the week......
1. Journal......every day
2. 2 long walks (10000 steps), this is in addition to my normal 3 gym visits
3. 2-3 new recipes for the week
* already planned 3 recipes to try -- Mexican Chicken Casserole, Beef & Bean Chili and Bacon
& Swiss Quiche
On the career front -- Tim & I met with our attorney to begin the negotiation process on our Massage Studio. Tuesday we are going on a little field try with Matt the local owner of 3 studios. We are not really sure how long working through the contract will take -- I would imagine 2 weeks....but not sure. We will also be creating an S-Corp at the suggestion of our lawyer. Which means we will need a name for our business entity. Wow...this is really happening! I admit I am scared when I really think about it -- but then I get a big smile on my face when I think about what this means for our future. For once in my life -- I will be truly working for myself. No more politics, being managed by incompetent, inconsiderate or self-centered people and feeling under-valued!
I loved your posts Jessica! Your yard looks amazing! You know Tim and I paid a decorator one year to decorate our house for Christmas -- maybe that is a possibility for you and Doug to do. You are really good at it and seem to be very imaginative. Even if you made the stuff during the balance of the year and sold it around the holiday -- I bet people would pay good money for some of that stuff. It could be a halloween boutique -- or should I say spook-tique. Even more glad I got you thinking about what you are proud of...... I think we all short change ourselves on what we are good at. We take ourselves for granted!
And with that....I'm signing out for now!
Thank God for the wake-up call! I needed it! I still feel like saying F___! CC -- but all in all I'm better for it.
I'm down 5 lbs. since my last day -- of course I still have way to go....considering I am still currently 10 lbs heavier than when I came to Houston! But I am on the right track!
Just left Jessica a message to encourage her -- Becca.....you've been off the grid? What's going on in your world?
Here are my WW goals for the week......
1. Journal......every day
2. 2 long walks (10000 steps), this is in addition to my normal 3 gym visits
3. 2-3 new recipes for the week
* already planned 3 recipes to try -- Mexican Chicken Casserole, Beef & Bean Chili and Bacon
& Swiss Quiche
On the career front -- Tim & I met with our attorney to begin the negotiation process on our Massage Studio. Tuesday we are going on a little field try with Matt the local owner of 3 studios. We are not really sure how long working through the contract will take -- I would imagine 2 weeks....but not sure. We will also be creating an S-Corp at the suggestion of our lawyer. Which means we will need a name for our business entity. Wow...this is really happening! I admit I am scared when I really think about it -- but then I get a big smile on my face when I think about what this means for our future. For once in my life -- I will be truly working for myself. No more politics, being managed by incompetent, inconsiderate or self-centered people and feeling under-valued!
I loved your posts Jessica! Your yard looks amazing! You know Tim and I paid a decorator one year to decorate our house for Christmas -- maybe that is a possibility for you and Doug to do. You are really good at it and seem to be very imaginative. Even if you made the stuff during the balance of the year and sold it around the holiday -- I bet people would pay good money for some of that stuff. It could be a halloween boutique -- or should I say spook-tique. Even more glad I got you thinking about what you are proud of...... I think we all short change ourselves on what we are good at. We take ourselves for granted!
And with that....I'm signing out for now!
Friday, October 25, 2013
I am Proud Of . . .
I have been thinking (per our challenge) of things that I am proud of, plus our recent conversation re: what you want people to think of you (or how you hope they will describe you).
As we were hanging out the pumpkins a few weeks ago, an elderly couple stopped (well, lots of people stopped!) and the lady commented that "You are such good parents!" I'm still not exactly sure how decorating for Halloween makes me a good parent, but there you have it. We definitely have a reputation - which I guess can be good or bad!
I then stumbled upon the pics from LY, and I realized that I very really quite proud of some of the "props" that I completely made on my own. From a small, cheap foam head.
As we were hanging out the pumpkins a few weeks ago, an elderly couple stopped (well, lots of people stopped!) and the lady commented that "You are such good parents!" I'm still not exactly sure how decorating for Halloween makes me a good parent, but there you have it. We definitely have a reputation - which I guess can be good or bad!
I then stumbled upon the pics from LY, and I realized that I very really quite proud of some of the "props" that I completely made on my own. From a small, cheap foam head.
Get it? Boutique - one stop shopping (I mean, Chopping)
I am proud that I can make freaky Halloween props (of clown tricks gone wrong) that amuse and amaze people.
Welcome to FOOD SEASON!
That time of year is upon us - FOOD SEASON! Just remember:
What vision do you have for your future?
JUMBO, puking up candy and barely able to walk (yes, I did make that by the way with the help of some friends. The person inside can open his stomach and a clown skull pops out). OR . . .
What vision do you have for your future?

Shannon. She is a trainer/teacher that MK and I took a healthy eating class with.
Some visuals to help you through the season!
What About My Yard?!
I am a little delayed in sending this, but look at MY yard!
OK, so you can't really get the effect b/c it is so hard (even w/ tripod) to take night pictures. But there are pumpkins in the trees, and it is a very cool effect.
OK, so you can't really get the effect b/c it is so hard (even w/ tripod) to take night pictures. But there are pumpkins in the trees, and it is a very cool effect.
The day is just not the same. But the chicken wire ghosts look great in the wind.
And meet my two new friends!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Run, Run and Have Some Fun
In the midst of my slump, Doug informed me that he signed up for our local Winter Run Series. Mind you he has not been running, and in fact still in PT for his shoulder from bike fall, and back issues.
So in the spur of the moment, realizing I needed to get out in the cold or this is going to be one loooong winter, I signed up! The truth is I really just wanted the t-shirt!
So in the spur of the moment, realizing I needed to get out in the cold or this is going to be one loooong winter, I signed up! The truth is I really just wanted the t-shirt!
How's that for motivation? Maybe I am the only freak motivated by a pumpkin.
So I waited until lunch time, when the temp hit our high of 42 for the day, bundled up and went to see if I could jog two miles. Mind you I have not run in a month (or much of anything) since my silly Burrito Biathalon. It was actually quite pleasant out.
I'm sure if I keep this up, it will require a new headband (I hate mine), gloves (a seam ripped) and other various accoutrements. Shopping always makes unpleasant activities more fun!
Wish me luck!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Reality Check!
Good morning ladies --
Well here is how the story goes --
Friday I connect with Jess via email or texting -- she informs me she's in a bit of a slump with her weight. I proceed to spread sunshine and butterflies of positivity -- I'm feeling optimistic and want to share my positivity. All of this in anticipation of my weigh-in on Saturday morning which I am expecting to be spectacular! Night falls and the sun rises on Saturday....everything seems normal?!? Then I proceed to not loose any weight!!!!!! Let me start back a bit to give perspective ---
3 Weigh-Ins ago: had been horrible the week before, stress, over eating, etc -- so didn't weigh in
2 Weigh-In: Had a great week -- did weigh-in, but new I had to still pay the piper for the prior week, so expected a gain....and got it
Last weigh-In: Now understand I weigh myself everyday, so rarely is the Saturday weigh-in a surprise. I had been down most of the week and based on my normal history -- I should have been down! So Saturday when I saw my weight at home -- I knew I was in trouble.
The negative talk started immediately. I was so bummed -- didn't seem to matter all the positive things I had accomplished all week -- just that freakin' number on the scale. A demon! I couldn't help but think about what I said to Jess less than 24 hours ago -- how I was ready to pump her up (my exact words). So I decided to shake it off and try to stop feeling sorry for myself. I showered and went to WW with the best attitude I could muster. As our leader always says -- you always leave there in a better state than you came....and I did. (I have the world's best leader!) This months's challenge is related to moving more. So i decided to make a goal this week of walking 10000 steps every day. Had to dig out my old pedometer -- don't forget I wore that thing for a solid year. Off I went yesterday -- got all my steps in! Woohoo! I felt like a champion!
I wake up this morning -- there is a huge weather front right over us.....it's so stinking big....bout half the size of Texas! Just hanging out above Houston -- swirling and raining!!!!!! I just want an hour of the day to walk -- is that too much to ask for? I guess I could go to the gym -- but I wanted to be outside for a change!!! Ok -- I'm going to try and put this obstacle behind me and remember that if this is my worst problem...than life is very good! This I have control over.
Well here is how the story goes --
Friday I connect with Jess via email or texting -- she informs me she's in a bit of a slump with her weight. I proceed to spread sunshine and butterflies of positivity -- I'm feeling optimistic and want to share my positivity. All of this in anticipation of my weigh-in on Saturday morning which I am expecting to be spectacular! Night falls and the sun rises on Saturday....everything seems normal?!? Then I proceed to not loose any weight!!!!!! Let me start back a bit to give perspective ---
3 Weigh-Ins ago: had been horrible the week before, stress, over eating, etc -- so didn't weigh in
2 Weigh-In: Had a great week -- did weigh-in, but new I had to still pay the piper for the prior week, so expected a gain....and got it
Last weigh-In: Now understand I weigh myself everyday, so rarely is the Saturday weigh-in a surprise. I had been down most of the week and based on my normal history -- I should have been down! So Saturday when I saw my weight at home -- I knew I was in trouble.
The negative talk started immediately. I was so bummed -- didn't seem to matter all the positive things I had accomplished all week -- just that freakin' number on the scale. A demon! I couldn't help but think about what I said to Jess less than 24 hours ago -- how I was ready to pump her up (my exact words). So I decided to shake it off and try to stop feeling sorry for myself. I showered and went to WW with the best attitude I could muster. As our leader always says -- you always leave there in a better state than you came....and I did. (I have the world's best leader!) This months's challenge is related to moving more. So i decided to make a goal this week of walking 10000 steps every day. Had to dig out my old pedometer -- don't forget I wore that thing for a solid year. Off I went yesterday -- got all my steps in! Woohoo! I felt like a champion!
I wake up this morning -- there is a huge weather front right over us.....it's so stinking big....bout half the size of Texas! Just hanging out above Houston -- swirling and raining!!!!!! I just want an hour of the day to walk -- is that too much to ask for? I guess I could go to the gym -- but I wanted to be outside for a change!!! Ok -- I'm going to try and put this obstacle behind me and remember that if this is my worst problem...than life is very good! This I have control over.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Technical Difficulties....
I sent the prior post from my phone and it changed the positioning of the pictures....they should have been inserted after the "Tuesday line" and then it cut out all the text after the pictures..... Bummer!
Anyway you can probably figure it out from there......
Anyway you can probably figure it out from there......
I'm Proud...
As you two may recall -- proud is the theme for this month's kicker. And I have diligently found something to be proud if myself for every day. I hope you guys are doing the same. I also challenged both of you to establishing a streak of journaling. Not sure if you guys are playing along...cause nobody is talking! 😄
Either way I on day 12 of journaling and up to 10 push-ups as promised!
Here is one of my biggest proud moments from Tuesday!
Either way I on day 12 of journaling and up to 10 push-ups as promised!
Here is one of my biggest proud moments from Tuesday!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
What unemployment sounds like!
So far, this is what unemployment sounds like...beep, beep, beep, beep. I tried to file for unemployment today online. I got cut off in the middle of it and told that "I could be best served by calling" them. Weird. So, I tried to call them and all I get is a busy signal. I smell something fishy. Ha!
Monday, October 7, 2013
O.K. I'm back from my latest bout of depression. Crazy, I know. I like the push up idea. I will try journaling as well. It is funny that you picked writing about something you are proud about. The kids are potty training. I guess I tell them "I'm proud of you" a lot. Now Rachel tells Robert she is proud of him all the time, and Robert just says "Proud of you" out of the blue to no one in particular. I have no idea how to even start that exercise for myself. I went to Sonic today and the delivery guy said, "Hey, it's you again". Ha! I guess I'm proud that I have been nice enough to him that he said that positively, instead of oh, you again:(
I finally moved everything out of my office at VAI. I put that off as long as I could. It was so uneventful. I expected the ground to shake, waters to part, people standing by waiting to scoop me up to work for them...oh well. I came to peace today with taking time for myself. I worked out. I showered. And I didn't feel guilty about it.
Soooooo, I have never really blogged before. This is going to be fun.
I finally moved everything out of my office at VAI. I put that off as long as I could. It was so uneventful. I expected the ground to shake, waters to part, people standing by waiting to scoop me up to work for them...oh well. I came to peace today with taking time for myself. I worked out. I showered. And I didn't feel guilty about it.
Soooooo, I have never really blogged before. This is going to be fun.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
I know what you are thinking....
You read my post yesterday and you're thinking .....do I really want to commit myself???? I'm feeling blah, busy, sad, overwhelmed......maybe all of those things at once! Nothing makes me feel better than action. Even the smallest movement toward what I know is better.
Remember committing does not mean you can't quit tomorrow -- its just the smallest movement. Commit for a day or two and see what it feels like. Did I feel better when I did it or not? If the answer is not -- then you have every right to quit. If it did feel better -- than commit for a week and see if the theory holds true.
I am thinking about both of you -- hoping life is going in the right direction! Miss you guys both!!!!!
P.S. Random info...... There is a woman in my WW class who runs a chocolate store that she started with her best friend! She is struggling -- but that is not even the point. I looked up her website -- her store is called Chocolate Pizazz and she and her friend refer to themselves as Lucy & Ethel! The nerve!
Remember committing does not mean you can't quit tomorrow -- its just the smallest movement. Commit for a day or two and see what it feels like. Did I feel better when I did it or not? If the answer is not -- then you have every right to quit. If it did feel better -- than commit for a week and see if the theory holds true.
I am thinking about both of you -- hoping life is going in the right direction! Miss you guys both!!!!!
P.S. Random info...... There is a woman in my WW class who runs a chocolate store that she started with her best friend! She is struggling -- but that is not even the point. I looked up her website -- her store is called Chocolate Pizazz and she and her friend refer to themselves as Lucy & Ethel! The nerve!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
My new best friend....
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
When I use to do WW and it worked for me......I frequently thought of my Tracker as a security blanket. I hunted for the perfect journal, I glued things in it, I decorated it.....I was kind of proud of it. It was a symbol for all my accomplishments...my achievements and of course sometimes my regrets. None the less, it was the truth about what I was doing for myself. If you looked at my prior tracker....it was weak, lots of empty pages or half entered days.....you see I give up about every other day.
I just started a new one and I am committed to a different outcome!
I am of course tracking my food and my exercise....but there is more. I am using it to write my daily proud moment or gratitude. I am also using it to plan my dinners for the week. I'm setting little mini goals for the week and of course I will track my push ups.
I feel a streak coming on......Jessica/Becca can I suck you into a little competition on journalling? Frankly I don't care what you all decide to journal -- just the consistency!
I am feeling frighteningly positive these days -- I don't know what to make of it....but I like it!
Tim and I went out to peruse commercial property today...it was pretty cool. I had no idea how much I would like the idea of having my own store front! Lots of work to be done -- but enjoying the process!
...........anybody out there??????
When I use to do WW and it worked for me......I frequently thought of my Tracker as a security blanket. I hunted for the perfect journal, I glued things in it, I decorated it.....I was kind of proud of it. It was a symbol for all my accomplishments...my achievements and of course sometimes my regrets. None the less, it was the truth about what I was doing for myself. If you looked at my prior tracker....it was weak, lots of empty pages or half entered days.....you see I give up about every other day.
I just started a new one and I am committed to a different outcome!
![]() |
...my security blanket! |
I feel a streak coming on......Jessica/Becca can I suck you into a little competition on journalling? Frankly I don't care what you all decide to journal -- just the consistency!
I am feeling frighteningly positive these days -- I don't know what to make of it....but I like it!
Tim and I went out to peruse commercial property today...it was pretty cool. I had no idea how much I would like the idea of having my own store front! Lots of work to be done -- but enjoying the process!
...........anybody out there??????
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Delayed Response! and October Challenge!
Jessica -- that is heroic! Both the passing up of fast food and hiking 13 miles. I can't believe you are getting all those miles in -- it's very impressive! How many total miles do you have in now?
I am trying so hard to get back into the habit of running -- or maybe the better choice of words in discipline of running......it will never be a habit unless maybe aliens overtake my body. So should I ever say it is -- please know you can assume I have been abducted and released by aliens. Perhaps very health conscious aliens...but aliens none the less.
I went to WW today -- good for me, but didn't weigh in......ashamed that I had gained. I have not been tracking..... I start the day tracking -- and usually get through lunch, then decided to have a handful of almonds, maybe some cheese (both unmeasured), then a cocktail and a dinner that is not ideal. At that point the day is so far gone -- I just have some of Tim's candy and heck another big glass of wine. Now I used to have a day like that and I'd get right back on the bandwagon......but not these days. That situation is becoming the norm and the days lived on the right path are few and far between. I need to reverse the trend! I am working out consistently 3 times a week.....but thought I would be doing 4.
Now to my credit -- I have showered every day since losing my job, sometimes twice! I have been rather productive and in general positive about my future. I am trying to go easy on myself -- stop the negative talk and such. But -- I do want to get this eating thing back on track! Enough said!
I might have said this on a prior post -- but my WW leader always says.....
"Make peace with the past so it won't screw up the future!" Amen!!!!!!
Now -- let's talk about October's Challenge. I will just admit it -- I have been horrible in my participation. I will not let that deter me going forward to do better. So no throwing in the towel.....let's all just agree we are going to do the best we can and not get caught up in feeling bad about what we didn't do before! This challenge is personal to my experience at the gym. My personal trainer always wants me alternate between chest presses and then push ups, 10 of each with 3 repetitions. I struggle -- and it irritates me because I use to do push ups like they were no big deal.....the real ones, not on my knees. So I am committed to getting some of that back! So here is the goal for this month is.....
Starting Oct 1st -- do push ups equalling the date. So one on the 1st, two on the 2nd, etc. Make them the real ones! You can do them one at a time or all at once, whatever your body and mind tells you is right for you. So on Halloween you need to be doing 31 pushups.
The kicker -- everyday.....jot down one thing you are proud of for yourself. Keep it someplace you can look back over as the month progresses. So strong body with the push ups and strong mind with the positive reinforcement.
I miss you guys and so thankful that you are in my life.....and I seriously mean that!!!!
I am trying so hard to get back into the habit of running -- or maybe the better choice of words in discipline of running......it will never be a habit unless maybe aliens overtake my body. So should I ever say it is -- please know you can assume I have been abducted and released by aliens. Perhaps very health conscious aliens...but aliens none the less.
I went to WW today -- good for me, but didn't weigh in......ashamed that I had gained. I have not been tracking..... I start the day tracking -- and usually get through lunch, then decided to have a handful of almonds, maybe some cheese (both unmeasured), then a cocktail and a dinner that is not ideal. At that point the day is so far gone -- I just have some of Tim's candy and heck another big glass of wine. Now I used to have a day like that and I'd get right back on the bandwagon......but not these days. That situation is becoming the norm and the days lived on the right path are few and far between. I need to reverse the trend! I am working out consistently 3 times a week.....but thought I would be doing 4.
Now to my credit -- I have showered every day since losing my job, sometimes twice! I have been rather productive and in general positive about my future. I am trying to go easy on myself -- stop the negative talk and such. But -- I do want to get this eating thing back on track! Enough said!
I might have said this on a prior post -- but my WW leader always says.....
"Make peace with the past so it won't screw up the future!" Amen!!!!!!
Now -- let's talk about October's Challenge. I will just admit it -- I have been horrible in my participation. I will not let that deter me going forward to do better. So no throwing in the towel.....let's all just agree we are going to do the best we can and not get caught up in feeling bad about what we didn't do before! This challenge is personal to my experience at the gym. My personal trainer always wants me alternate between chest presses and then push ups, 10 of each with 3 repetitions. I struggle -- and it irritates me because I use to do push ups like they were no big deal.....the real ones, not on my knees. So I am committed to getting some of that back! So here is the goal for this month is.....
Starting Oct 1st -- do push ups equalling the date. So one on the 1st, two on the 2nd, etc. Make them the real ones! You can do them one at a time or all at once, whatever your body and mind tells you is right for you. So on Halloween you need to be doing 31 pushups.
The kicker -- everyday.....jot down one thing you are proud of for yourself. Keep it someplace you can look back over as the month progresses. So strong body with the push ups and strong mind with the positive reinforcement.
I miss you guys and so thankful that you are in my life.....and I seriously mean that!!!!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Question of the Day
Do you know how hard it is to pass about 6 Culvers (and twice as many other fast food places) and NOT get fast food or ice cream? That is, after having hiked 13 miles (first in rain, and then 85 degree sunshine).
I'm just sayin ...
Glad this month is almost over!
I'm just sayin ...
Glad this month is almost over!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
You have to learn...
....to fail and dig yourself out!
I keep hearing this stuff and have to keep posting it!
Had a productive day today in my pursuit of a life sans Charming Charlie!
A victory!
I keep hearing this stuff and have to keep posting it!
Had a productive day today in my pursuit of a life sans Charming Charlie!
A victory!
Monday, September 2, 2013
No one goes through life undefeated! Just heard that and liked the idea of it!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
In No Particular Order!
Greetings to all --
I have a wide variety of things to report on. So here is what's on my mind.....
I feel the need to number these notes -- probably a psychological trick for my mind to find order in random things. Warning you now -- some of these are positive....some are not!
1. Went to WW (that's code for weight watchers Becca -- commit it to memory) and did not lose one ounce. But still a victory because I must not lose control of everything at once.
2. Today is the anniversary of my Dad's death -- 20 years ago today. Can't believe how long it has been. I don't think about him a lot any more -- but I often wonder what he would have thought about this or that. I hope him and Mom are reunited now....with all my beloved childhood pets!
3. In April of 2010 I purchased my very 1st orchid -- I think they are so cool....but was always intimidated by their exotic nature. I did everything they told me to.....I watered it, I misted it, I made Tim take care of it faithfully while I traveled. I even took it in and had it repotted -- which wasn't cheap! That damn thing never bloomed again! As you know we moved to Texas in October of 2012. The movers wouldn't take the plants of course. I really wanted Tim to bring it in the car on his drive -- but he didn't want to be bothered -- since he was packed to the hilt and managing 2 big dogs. He must have guilty....cause he showed up over a thousand miles later with my orchid. I admit I quit pampering it as much as I use to -- but tried a new trick a girl at work told me about. The trick....watering it with ice cubes. Guess what -- it's about to bloom!!!!!!!!! Almost 3 1/2 years later. I'm considering this a small miracle! I will be texting a picture when it hits peak blooming!
4. There is a construction site at the end of our block where a high-rise building is going in. It's very interesting to watch the daily progress. Yesterday one of the workers fell through an elevator shaft to his death. I have been thinking about it a lot, I have said a prayer for his family -- but it has been a strong reminder that what I'm going through is pretty insignificant when I compare it to the horrible things that others endure. Don't get me wrong -- this does suck....but I have a lot to be thankful for.
5. On a much less serious note -- I do not know but 3 or 4 yoga poses.......
Sorry if some of this is a bit negative -- but it's more meant to be a reminder to be thankful!
I have a wide variety of things to report on. So here is what's on my mind.....
I feel the need to number these notes -- probably a psychological trick for my mind to find order in random things. Warning you now -- some of these are positive....some are not!
1. Went to WW (that's code for weight watchers Becca -- commit it to memory) and did not lose one ounce. But still a victory because I must not lose control of everything at once.
2. Today is the anniversary of my Dad's death -- 20 years ago today. Can't believe how long it has been. I don't think about him a lot any more -- but I often wonder what he would have thought about this or that. I hope him and Mom are reunited now....with all my beloved childhood pets!
3. In April of 2010 I purchased my very 1st orchid -- I think they are so cool....but was always intimidated by their exotic nature. I did everything they told me to.....I watered it, I misted it, I made Tim take care of it faithfully while I traveled. I even took it in and had it repotted -- which wasn't cheap! That damn thing never bloomed again! As you know we moved to Texas in October of 2012. The movers wouldn't take the plants of course. I really wanted Tim to bring it in the car on his drive -- but he didn't want to be bothered -- since he was packed to the hilt and managing 2 big dogs. He must have guilty....cause he showed up over a thousand miles later with my orchid. I admit I quit pampering it as much as I use to -- but tried a new trick a girl at work told me about. The trick....watering it with ice cubes. Guess what -- it's about to bloom!!!!!!!!! Almost 3 1/2 years later. I'm considering this a small miracle! I will be texting a picture when it hits peak blooming!
4. There is a construction site at the end of our block where a high-rise building is going in. It's very interesting to watch the daily progress. Yesterday one of the workers fell through an elevator shaft to his death. I have been thinking about it a lot, I have said a prayer for his family -- but it has been a strong reminder that what I'm going through is pretty insignificant when I compare it to the horrible things that others endure. Don't get me wrong -- this does suck....but I have a lot to be thankful for.
5. On a much less serious note -- I do not know but 3 or 4 yoga poses.......
Sorry if some of this is a bit negative -- but it's more meant to be a reminder to be thankful!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Sept BMW Challenge
O.K. I think I finally got this figured out. I guess I just needed to be laid off work to have the time to sit down and do it. That's a positive. Right?
I think for September we should do yoga poses: downward dog, and upward dog. Let's start out with 10 of each per day the first week, then 20, then 30 etc.
No ice cream
No fast food
Shower every day
No drunken texting after 10:00 pm
Pick one thing to pamper yourself (e.g. manicure, pedicure, massage, lip wax (ha), etc.) - As my pampering, I'm going to try to meditate for at least 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening.
I think for September we should do yoga poses: downward dog, and upward dog. Let's start out with 10 of each per day the first week, then 20, then 30 etc.
No ice cream
No fast food
Shower every day
No drunken texting after 10:00 pm
Pick one thing to pamper yourself (e.g. manicure, pedicure, massage, lip wax (ha), etc.) - As my pampering, I'm going to try to meditate for at least 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Can't Stop Now! Happy August
We have 7 months behind us . . . we can't let up on our BMW challenge now! I for one cannot believe that I have let 74 BURPEES hang over my head for seven months, but I am caught up on everything else (well, OK I owe a few situps, but I can knock those out). How sick is that? I have thought about avoiding burpees for over 200 days. I think I should just do them, and move on with my life! Is anyone else caught up? What place am I in?
Back to lower abs. I picked a basic move, but it is rated as being very effective per my internet search. Start with 10, 4 x a week (preferably on alternate days) and add 5 a week if you can. See specifics below.
Kicker . . . I think we should each share an easy, healthy recipe (or it could be a meal) with each other. One per week, so that means you have to come up with 4 recipes to share. Note the adjective healthy (so B, I don't think your chocolate breakfast sauce counts!).
Back to lower abs. I picked a basic move, but it is rated as being very effective per my internet search. Start with 10, 4 x a week (preferably on alternate days) and add 5 a week if you can. See specifics below.
Kicker . . . I think we should each share an easy, healthy recipe (or it could be a meal) with each other. One per week, so that means you have to come up with 4 recipes to share. Note the adjective healthy (so B, I don't think your chocolate breakfast sauce counts!).
Move 3: Leg Drop
(A) Raise both legs toward the ceiling. Breathe in and tighten your abs. (B) Exhale and slowly lower your legs until they’re about four inches above the floor (or as low as you can go without lifting the small of your back). Pause and breathe in. Breathe out as you raise your legs to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.Friday, July 19, 2013
I had an insightful observation yesterday at my meetings, which I would like to share. We met with the CMO, who we have not seen in years, and at one time was my GMM. Numbers guy. We know that the stores hate the unpredictable nature of seasonal categories (our livelihood) and that ow/swim is maybe 2% of their total. It's not growing, but still we alone do $100 m there so it's a business. We were trying to understand their long-term vision (are they going to exit?) and how we could help improve the shopping experience.
This guy had aged 10 yrs since last time I saw him. Looked completely miserable and defeated. No energy, a blank piece of paper (did not even look up our business!), no opinion, not a single business question, no thought at all. We asked for advice or direction, and he said "I don't know." Who gets away with saying "I don't know?" He commented that they were up 2%, but Macy's was up 4% so that Wall St is killing them. Totally checked out.
Then we meet with the biggest seasonal buyer (lds ow, swim) and DMM. This lady has a son at home, and works until 8 pm every nite. They are analyzing ever possible angle of the business, turning over every rock, making tough decisions, traveling - working their butts off.
And as an outsider, I couldn't help but look at them and think that the CMO could give a shit about their business. Everything they are working so hard on really is going to be successful or not with weather. They could get there working a normal day, and not giving so much blood.
I am not articulating this very well, but my insight was to find something that matters to you (and the community or world). It's not business - that is just the means, and needs to be kept in balance. Be passionate and give blood for something that has meaning and is fulfilling.
Does that make sense? Having those two meetings back-to-back made it so clear to me!
This guy had aged 10 yrs since last time I saw him. Looked completely miserable and defeated. No energy, a blank piece of paper (did not even look up our business!), no opinion, not a single business question, no thought at all. We asked for advice or direction, and he said "I don't know." Who gets away with saying "I don't know?" He commented that they were up 2%, but Macy's was up 4% so that Wall St is killing them. Totally checked out.
Then we meet with the biggest seasonal buyer (lds ow, swim) and DMM. This lady has a son at home, and works until 8 pm every nite. They are analyzing ever possible angle of the business, turning over every rock, making tough decisions, traveling - working their butts off.
And as an outsider, I couldn't help but look at them and think that the CMO could give a shit about their business. Everything they are working so hard on really is going to be successful or not with weather. They could get there working a normal day, and not giving so much blood.
I am not articulating this very well, but my insight was to find something that matters to you (and the community or world). It's not business - that is just the means, and needs to be kept in balance. Be passionate and give blood for something that has meaning and is fulfilling.
Does that make sense? Having those two meetings back-to-back made it so clear to me!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
I swear - I journaled honestly all week. Exercised every day. Went out of my way to do all of the healthy crap. I got up and walked the dog every morning before I did anything (my challenge - I get sucked in to my e-m and then the day passes. Made it a priority). Even ran one day. 35 activity points (per my monitor, not me guessing), only used 23 opt points. Blah blah blah.
Needless to say I had a little meltdown yesterday.
I swear - I journaled honestly all week. Exercised every day. Went out of my way to do all of the healthy crap. I got up and walked the dog every morning before I did anything (my challenge - I get sucked in to my e-m and then the day passes. Made it a priority). Even ran one day. 35 activity points (per my monitor, not me guessing), only used 23 opt points. Blah blah blah.
Needless to say I had a little meltdown yesterday.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Misery Loves Company
I just have to start with the little bit of irony that I'm sure you've noticed . . . you live in the nicest place you ever have (weather wise) and NOW you join a gym? It's just funny - I would imagine gym membership is much higher in Duluth! LOL.
But I know that misery loves company, so here goes . . .
I have been such a slug! I don't know why I am in this "depressed" cycle. I know that when I exercise consistently and eat well that I feel better. So why don't I do it? I am a reasonably intelligent person - but it does not seem to be an issue of mind over matter.
It has been almost exactly a year that I have been back at WW, and I can count on one hand the meetings I have missed. Guess what? I weigh almost exactly the same. (down 2.5 lbs). I listen, I journal, I have tried to recruit exercise buddies, tried new classed, I read everything. I spent $$$ on a trainer for 18 mos. and never lost much (lots stronger, but no size change). I juice, I make protein shakes, tried doing menus and recipes, I had goals (like my dad's wedding - wanted to look better in pics) to no avail. I wore my activelink for months. I have been in about a seven year rut. I hiked 17 m last Fri, and 15 yesterday - but in between I did near nothing. What is my problem with consistency?
It has been a weird year. I don't know if it's my Dad's situation, Woody passing away, worrying about my teenager, unsettled at work, frustrated with my husband, or the miserable rainy weather we have been having for months. But I don't want to do much of anything (not even scrapbook!). I waste so much time, which then makes me more depressed. The spiral continues.
My naturopath did a blood test for me to determine my ApoE type. So I know what I am supposed to eat. I know that I am allergic to wheat (and when I eat it, sure enough I had bad stomach issues two days later). These are facts, that determine my future health. If I don't take care of myself, my body type is very susceptible to diabetes and heart issues.Why doesn't that resonate with my brain and motivate me to get it together? You would think that actually feeling sick would make the decision of what I eat come more easily. I never really thought I was a lazy person. But in honesty, I guess I am - I am too lazy to get up early to exercise for myself, to plan meals for my health, to go to the grocery store, to cook . . . pretty basic life skills! What will make it click?
If Lucy can get "back on the wagon" then Ethel can, too! I think that you are right - one step at a time that we know works despite our "fog." I just don't know what step to take first . . . it is overwhelming.
I really wish we could plan a weekend to get together! Can you think about hiking at all? Fall will be here soon!
But I know that misery loves company, so here goes . . .
I have been such a slug! I don't know why I am in this "depressed" cycle. I know that when I exercise consistently and eat well that I feel better. So why don't I do it? I am a reasonably intelligent person - but it does not seem to be an issue of mind over matter.
It has been almost exactly a year that I have been back at WW, and I can count on one hand the meetings I have missed. Guess what? I weigh almost exactly the same. (down 2.5 lbs). I listen, I journal, I have tried to recruit exercise buddies, tried new classed, I read everything. I spent $$$ on a trainer for 18 mos. and never lost much (lots stronger, but no size change). I juice, I make protein shakes, tried doing menus and recipes, I had goals (like my dad's wedding - wanted to look better in pics) to no avail. I wore my activelink for months. I have been in about a seven year rut. I hiked 17 m last Fri, and 15 yesterday - but in between I did near nothing. What is my problem with consistency?
It has been a weird year. I don't know if it's my Dad's situation, Woody passing away, worrying about my teenager, unsettled at work, frustrated with my husband, or the miserable rainy weather we have been having for months. But I don't want to do much of anything (not even scrapbook!). I waste so much time, which then makes me more depressed. The spiral continues.
My naturopath did a blood test for me to determine my ApoE type. So I know what I am supposed to eat. I know that I am allergic to wheat (and when I eat it, sure enough I had bad stomach issues two days later). These are facts, that determine my future health. If I don't take care of myself, my body type is very susceptible to diabetes and heart issues.Why doesn't that resonate with my brain and motivate me to get it together? You would think that actually feeling sick would make the decision of what I eat come more easily. I never really thought I was a lazy person. But in honesty, I guess I am - I am too lazy to get up early to exercise for myself, to plan meals for my health, to go to the grocery store, to cook . . . pretty basic life skills! What will make it click?
If Lucy can get "back on the wagon" then Ethel can, too! I think that you are right - one step at a time that we know works despite our "fog." I just don't know what step to take first . . . it is overwhelming.
I really wish we could plan a weekend to get together! Can you think about hiking at all? Fall will be here soon!
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Gym Update....
Ok...as promised here is the recap. We met with Stephen who promptly measured our body fat and shared our BMI.
Holy crap -- I'm at 35% body fat..I must admit that freaked me out a bit. BMI at 25....also to high.
We did a bunch of exercises so Stephen could assess us. Yikes -- we have lots of opportunity.
So we are now signed up for a personal trainer. Going back tomorrow to get measured and put together our plan of attack.
I did make it to WW as promised. A day of progress!
Holy crap -- I'm at 35% body fat..I must admit that freaked me out a bit. BMI at 25....also to high.
We did a bunch of exercises so Stephen could assess us. Yikes -- we have lots of opportunity.
So we are now signed up for a personal trainer. Going back tomorrow to get measured and put together our plan of attack.
I did make it to WW as promised. A day of progress!
Friday, July 5, 2013
Just got back from LA Fitness.....Tim & I joined the gym. Need I say it has been nearly 20 years since I belonged to a gym. I'm scared, overwhelmed and sad. I'm trying to put one foot in front of the other with the hope that something is going to change for me soon. I have officially put 16.5 lbs on since I moved here 9 months ago.
So tomorrow I'm heading to weight watchers at 10:30am and then I have my assessment with a personal trainer set up at 2pm. I'll try to check in after that -- I suspect it might be a bit humorous!
I know this post is a downer -- so sorry for that....but my heart is heavy and I can't seem to find anything that gives me hope. So I am going through the motions of what has worked in the past with the hope that it will work again.
Now let me try to focus on the BMW Challenge. I like your idea -- let's all take this month to assess where we are and do some make-up activities if that suits you.
I'm going to invite Becca again to the Blog -- to see if we can connect with her to! I promise to cheer up soon!
So tomorrow I'm heading to weight watchers at 10:30am and then I have my assessment with a personal trainer set up at 2pm. I'll try to check in after that -- I suspect it might be a bit humorous!
I know this post is a downer -- so sorry for that....but my heart is heavy and I can't seem to find anything that gives me hope. So I am going through the motions of what has worked in the past with the hope that it will work again.
Now let me try to focus on the BMW Challenge. I like your idea -- let's all take this month to assess where we are and do some make-up activities if that suits you.
I'm going to invite Becca again to the Blog -- to see if we can connect with her to! I promise to cheer up soon!
Monday, July 1, 2013
BMW July
Hi Lucy -
I know that you are preoccupied with a lot right now, but July is back to you. Do you have an exercise? If not, we could declare July "make up" month, b/c personally I still owe a few burpees!
I know that you are preoccupied with a lot right now, but July is back to you. Do you have an exercise? If not, we could declare July "make up" month, b/c personally I still owe a few burpees!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
May Day!
May is upon us - if you are using the roman calendar, or the retail calendar, the time is here. I pondered many exercises, and decided to move on to a new body part - the saddlebags!
1. lie on side, move TOP leg forward at a slight angle. Point toe DOWN. Do 20 lifts per side, 5 times a week. This will be 200 lifts per week. Feel free to add more if this is too easy.
2. I am also (self) designating this month as "make-up month." I admittedly have a few burpees left to do, and a handful of squats. Time to get caught up before we are at the halfway mark of the year.
3. KICKER - Meatless Mondays. OK - it doesn't have to be Monday, but one day a week no meat. You can interpret that as you wish - the goal is to consume more fruits and vegetables, not only for our health but also because it is environnmentally healthy.
April Update - I failed at meditating.
Lucy - let us know when you find your jumprope, because a little interval or at least a few heart pumping minutes may be in our future!
1. lie on side, move TOP leg forward at a slight angle. Point toe DOWN. Do 20 lifts per side, 5 times a week. This will be 200 lifts per week. Feel free to add more if this is too easy.
2. I am also (self) designating this month as "make-up month." I admittedly have a few burpees left to do, and a handful of squats. Time to get caught up before we are at the halfway mark of the year.
3. KICKER - Meatless Mondays. OK - it doesn't have to be Monday, but one day a week no meat. You can interpret that as you wish - the goal is to consume more fruits and vegetables, not only for our health but also because it is environnmentally healthy.
April Update - I failed at meditating.
Lucy - let us know when you find your jumprope, because a little interval or at least a few heart pumping minutes may be in our future!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
just TRI it
I don't know why I did this, but in an insane moment, I did. I signed up for the "Lazy Man" triathalon at our Y. You do a full Ironman, over the course of the month of April. So on your schedule, you just post it in the log (and someone signs it, but really an honor system).
112 mile bike
262.2 mile run
4,224 yard swim. Yes, 169 lengths of the competitive pool. 84.5 laps.
What was I thinking? I like to spin, so pretty sure I can get the bike in (maybe 10 classes); the run I should be able to piece together little by little. But the swim? I wonder if I can do the whole thing with a noodle, and not get my hair wet. I think "in the moment" I felt that I needed a challenge. But now I don't think I do. And I am "committed." Purchasing a new swimsuit did not help my motivation any. I hate water and really cannot swim with any confidence.
Just to add to the challenge that I no longer want, I realized that I will be gone 19 days this month. That definitely limits my workout times.
What was I thinking? That I need a push to exercise to lose some weight? I really don't know.
Meditating sounds better to me.
112 mile bike
262.2 mile run
4,224 yard swim. Yes, 169 lengths of the competitive pool. 84.5 laps.
What was I thinking? I like to spin, so pretty sure I can get the bike in (maybe 10 classes); the run I should be able to piece together little by little. But the swim? I wonder if I can do the whole thing with a noodle, and not get my hair wet. I think "in the moment" I felt that I needed a challenge. But now I don't think I do. And I am "committed." Purchasing a new swimsuit did not help my motivation any. I hate water and really cannot swim with any confidence.
Just to add to the challenge that I no longer want, I realized that I will be gone 19 days this month. That definitely limits my workout times.
What was I thinking? That I need a push to exercise to lose some weight? I really don't know.
Meditating sounds better to me.
Monday, April 1, 2013
No foolin.....
I know that's weak.....but's it what I got! The new challenge for April is planking! This is a bit hard to give a specific way to execute this -- so I am only going to make a few requirements.
1. You need to plank everyday (or do a makeup plank on another day)
2. Do the plank with your arms fully extended (not your forearms)
3. Show progression in time every week.
The kicker is going to be 15 minutes of meditation every week. Now if you know anything about this...you should be doing it daily. But you have to start somewhere. The intent is to spend 15 minutes -- with yourself.....no thoughts -- just quiet. Focus on your breathing. If your mind wanders to a thought bring it back to the breathing. I have an app that you can pick a sound to listen to and set a timer. I like a running stream.....but there are lots of choices.
Ok.....signing out!
1. You need to plank everyday (or do a makeup plank on another day)
2. Do the plank with your arms fully extended (not your forearms)
3. Show progression in time every week.
The kicker is going to be 15 minutes of meditation every week. Now if you know anything about this...you should be doing it daily. But you have to start somewhere. The intent is to spend 15 minutes -- with yourself.....no thoughts -- just quiet. Focus on your breathing. If your mind wanders to a thought bring it back to the breathing. I have an app that you can pick a sound to listen to and set a timer. I like a running stream.....but there are lots of choices.
Ok.....signing out!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
What's In a Name?
I am a little behind, but I wanted to share my Feb Vegetale Power!
J: Jicama/Apple Salad excellent, and would make again. BTW, if you have not made jicama chips you really should. They are a hassle to prepare, but so yummy (ah, even burnt by betty-crock-not) (that's me).
E: Eggplant Wrap. Four Stars
S: Sauteed Spinach Tolerable, but you know, not eye candy so no photo! LOL
S: Squash/Quinoa Cassarole This is one of my new favorites! It freezes and is tasty.
One of my perinnal favorites is Squash Soup, if you need a recipe!
I: Indian Lentil Soup (this was my stretch) I would make it again.
C: Cauliflower Salad. I have been a cauliflower hater, but this I could eat and I now have a new respect for the hard white things.
A: Asparagus Soup. I love fresh asparagus, but this was a little bland.
How did your month go?
It's all about the snacks, right? Have you tried these?
Hummus Chips! Yes, they are made from chipeas and very yummy. They come in a variety of flavors, and a third of this bag is only 3 points! Even my kids love them, which is a shocker.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Juice it Up!
Since we're JUICING this month as our kicker, I wanted to share this documentary that you have to watch. Maybe you have heard of it (I streamed it for free on Amazon, but it looks like you can use Hulu or iTune, too).
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (Joe Cross). It is inspiring!
Which by the way, I was in Schaumburg IL yesterday, who naturally has a Whole Foods so I went in for my juice. But they were all technically smoothies - I hope that counts (b/c I counted it!). It was tasty. Do they have actuallly juicers in your store?
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (Joe Cross). It is inspiring!
Which by the way, I was in Schaumburg IL yesterday, who naturally has a Whole Foods so I went in for my juice. But they were all technically smoothies - I hope that counts (b/c I counted it!). It was tasty. Do they have actuallly juicers in your store?
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
I know we have all been here, but I was really ready to lose it this morning (at WW). I have had SEVEN consecutive weeks of some miniscule loss or the same which you know for me is a huge win - I don't know if that has happened in years (honestly - I am always down, up, down down, up, etc). Not a significant loss like I want, but I have focused on that fact that I have been feeling so much better (with the yeast elimination) and sleeping like a rock for about 6 weeks (which you also know has not happened consistently in probably 4 yrs). My eating and tracking for the week was impeccable. My goal was to hit my activelink challenge every day for the week - which I did, even when I did not want to (getting on the ol' treadmill in our dank basement at 9 pm to make some light blink is not my favorite thing). 29 weekly points (plus my baseline, so really 43 pts for the week). I did not eat any of those points, and I did not even use all 49 optional (some, but not all). And you know the outcome - I gained 1.6 lbs! How is that physically possible? There is no way that I ate 5600 more calories than I burned off. I can not identify anything "salty" so water weight is suspect, and it is not near my period. I DON'T GET IT!! I swear that I could completely fast for a week and gain weight.
It is so discouraging that I cannot even put it in to words. I just want to take a nap.
It is so discouraging that I cannot even put it in to words. I just want to take a nap.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Space Cadet
Weird week . . . I was piddling around, thinking my TRX class on Tues was at 8:45. But no, it started at 8:30. Then I was driving to a dental appt, and going the completely wrong way. I was in the store, staring at what I needed, and couldn't find it and when I asked for help, there it was, right in front of me. Sam had lego club on Thurs nite and we totally missed it. On and on.
But what I completely spaced mid-week was my Tricep Dips! How does that happen? Completely forgot about them. Luckily there are a few days left in the month, and I will make them up this next week.
I don't even know yet what else I probably forgot!
But what I completely spaced mid-week was my Tricep Dips! How does that happen? Completely forgot about them. Luckily there are a few days left in the month, and I will make them up this next week.
I don't even know yet what else I probably forgot!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Impressive Post
Wow Jess -- that was an amazing post , as well as an impressive list of classes. Good for you!
I'm on the verge of falling of the wagon again.....just can't seem to get my focus again. I did go running yesterday for the first time in months. Did 2 miles..... It's a new day -- so I'm starting fresh.
I love the veggie thing -- that's very creative! And yes you are right....I have plenty of places to do tricep dips!
I'm on the verge of falling of the wagon again.....just can't seem to get my focus again. I did go running yesterday for the first time in months. Did 2 miles..... It's a new day -- so I'm starting fresh.
I love the veggie thing -- that's very creative! And yes you are right....I have plenty of places to do tricep dips!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Jan Kicker Update: Classes!
Having a nice YMCA that is convenient, I do use the fitness classes. Of course, the same ones over and over (like yoga and spin) so I took on this challenge as 4 NEW classes! I even went beyond, and found some that I enjoyed and look forward to doing again.
POWER PIYO! 90 min of pilates and yoga with Yogi Harley Tom. Great workout, and would do again time permitting!
NOT SO LAZY RIVER! You know my whole "I hate water thing" so I tried a class in the Lazy river. Hard to see, but it is the circular pool to the left (usually rafts). With 12 people in there, the current really gets going and I have to admit I was a little stiff the next day! I was the youngest one there, until I saw an another basketball Mom appear - it was so nice to have a friend there.
AQUACIZE! Said basketball friend Cary tells me that she does the Sr. aqua aerobics class, and that it is fun. So she talks me into trying it with her - it's in the therapy pool which is about 4 1/2 ft so I'm thinking I can handle this. The far pool in he image. It was hysterical - if you ever want to feel like a fit goddess, in a swimsuit no less, go to a (sr) water aerobics class.
KETTLEBELLS My new favorite - I have been taking the intro class (6 wks) so I don't get hurt, and I am getting it down. I like it, b/c it is an aerobic workout as well as weights. Did you know you do this crazy exercise BAREFOOT?! Doesn't that just sound stupid? The instructor's name is Melissa, so you know she is not steering us wrong. No mishaps yet. But you are throwing 25 lb things around.

TRX See those tourture things hanging from the ceiling? Those would be TRX straps. Kind of like a pilates thing, where you use your own body weight and balance to do the exercises. The instructor makes us run laps in between sets so we get heart rates up, too. My arms still hurt.
BODY VIVE That same basketball Mom friend told me that she likes this class so I tried it (she tried a spin class with me in trade - hated it). Pretty much like a typical ol' aerobic class, with a strength component of that squeezy ball and bands. Nice change of pace in a pinch.
POWER PIYO! 90 min of pilates and yoga with Yogi Harley Tom. Great workout, and would do again time permitting!

So, being on a roll I try the regular Aquacize class another morning thinking it would be harder (and more people, ahem, my age). The problem with 7:45 am classes is that no one can attend - except the seniors! They were all very friendly, but still they were a tight group and I'm sure thinking that I was the one who lost my mind. They talk about how they are shrinking (height) and how they can't hear the music, etc. I made the workout as tough as I could so it was worth my hour there. Yes, are you counting? Three new water classes. Before you know it, I may be buying a new swimsuit!

TRX See those tourture things hanging from the ceiling? Those would be TRX straps. Kind of like a pilates thing, where you use your own body weight and balance to do the exercises. The instructor makes us run laps in between sets so we get heart rates up, too. My arms still hurt.

So, I have a whole bunch of ammunition in my arsenal to not get bored! So many classes, so little time.
Bye Bye Burpees!
OK - I have a few left to do, which I will get in, but time to move on to Feb!
As Feb is a "short" month, I decided to focus on a small, annoying body part - TRICEPS! (save the lower abs for a nice long month!). Actually, did you know that the tricep makes up more of your arm than the bicep? And women have a tougher time with these than men b/c of estrogen - we store more fat there than our testosterone-laden counterparts.
I have decided on TRICEP DIPS since they can pretty much be done anywhere. Feel free to do overhead weights or other if you choose, but officially it's dips. Actually, fully extended overhead weights (drop to shoulder and back) work the long part of the tricep, which is even better (obviously there are three muscels involved) but not sure if weights are accessible to all.
Sit on bench or step (got any of those, Lucy?) Put hands as close to butt as possible, fingers pointing out. Extend legs, and drop butt as far as you can. Push up with tris, keeping butt and back as close to step as possible. Fully extend arms, and squeeze triceps on way back up.
60 a week. I came up with that, b/c you know you are not really supposed to work them back to back days, but whatever. If you are an overachiever, you are also supposed to work the opposing muscle at the same time (that would be the bicep). Your choice - only counting tricep dips!
KICKER: All of ours favorite topic - VEGETABLES! We all have 7 letters in our names (even Douglas and Miranda - amazing, huh?) so you must eat a vegetable that starts with each letter of your name (Lucy doesn't count!). Try to make it a NEW ONE, or a new recipe, as this is about expanding our horizons. You can improvise if needed (like I is a tough letter - I would count Idaho Potato, or an adjacent letter if needed). Since we're supposed to have up to 9 servings a day, I'm pretty sure we can challenge ourselves to get in 7 over the month.
Good luck and Report in!
As Feb is a "short" month, I decided to focus on a small, annoying body part - TRICEPS! (save the lower abs for a nice long month!). Actually, did you know that the tricep makes up more of your arm than the bicep? And women have a tougher time with these than men b/c of estrogen - we store more fat there than our testosterone-laden counterparts.
I have decided on TRICEP DIPS since they can pretty much be done anywhere. Feel free to do overhead weights or other if you choose, but officially it's dips. Actually, fully extended overhead weights (drop to shoulder and back) work the long part of the tricep, which is even better (obviously there are three muscels involved) but not sure if weights are accessible to all.
Sit on bench or step (got any of those, Lucy?) Put hands as close to butt as possible, fingers pointing out. Extend legs, and drop butt as far as you can. Push up with tris, keeping butt and back as close to step as possible. Fully extend arms, and squeeze triceps on way back up.
60 a week. I came up with that, b/c you know you are not really supposed to work them back to back days, but whatever. If you are an overachiever, you are also supposed to work the opposing muscle at the same time (that would be the bicep). Your choice - only counting tricep dips!
KICKER: All of ours favorite topic - VEGETABLES! We all have 7 letters in our names (even Douglas and Miranda - amazing, huh?) so you must eat a vegetable that starts with each letter of your name (Lucy doesn't count!). Try to make it a NEW ONE, or a new recipe, as this is about expanding our horizons. You can improvise if needed (like I is a tough letter - I would count Idaho Potato, or an adjacent letter if needed). Since we're supposed to have up to 9 servings a day, I'm pretty sure we can challenge ourselves to get in 7 over the month.
Good luck and Report in!
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