Saturday, February 23, 2013

Space Cadet

Weird week . . . I was piddling around, thinking my TRX class on Tues was at 8:45.  But no, it started at 8:30.  Then I was driving to a dental appt, and going the completely wrong way.  I was in the store, staring at what I needed, and couldn't find it and when I asked for help, there it was, right in front of me.  Sam had lego club on Thurs nite and we totally missed it.  On and on.

But what I completely spaced mid-week was my Tricep Dips!  How does that happen?  Completely forgot about them.  Luckily there are a few days left in the month, and I will make them up this next week. 

I don't even know yet what else I probably forgot!


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