Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Who Cares!

You don't need to make excuses to us -- we know how tough it is out there!  91/1000...that's not so bad -- I just did the math!  You need to do about 3 miles a day.  That will be easy-peasy on a spin bike!  I think you may want to rethink the half marathon in May -- with that goal -- there will be no messing around, no himming and hahhing (no idea how you spell those words!)....just get on it!!!!

Jodie -- I know you can hear us....even if you are sitting quietly listening.......feel free to get in on the fun!  I have a workout plan that's for novices -- so we could all do it!

Come on ladies!!!!!


Happy Leap Day!

I have fallen behind on my goals, for a variety of reasons (which I will not list, b/c I know that you all have your own excuses!)  But with today being Leap Day, I thought - what a gift.  I am going to take advange of this extra day and get with it!

So I went to a spin class for the first time in probably 18 months.  They have these new Livestrong bikes that track everything, so I have a very accurate mileage count. That made a dent, but I have lots of catching up to do.  Not to mention some stair climbing to get ready for my event in 17 days!

I have connected with two other women who want to hike IAT with me, so that is another thing to keep organizing. I did find a college neighbor to babysit for a nite over her break so Doug and I can head a little further away and knock out some miles. The Annual Alliance meeting is in Madison, and they lead hikes so I hope to jump on some of those as well since it is only an hour away. So many ideas, so little time to get it all planned!

What is a connecting week?  Meanwhile, I wonder if the 12-12-12 thing is a farce and that's why the site is not up (b/c it's the end, you know?)  It's still funny though. You know how people have those oval bumper stickers that read "26.2" or "140.6" or whatever?  I saw one the other day that looked just like them, but read "0."  It made me laugh.

JW 91/1000

Snow Day in Duluth!

Yep -- blizzard like conditions.  Of course they sent out an email saying the office was I drove there like an idiot!  Then about 10 minutes after I got there -- they decided they should close the office.  It wear an ugly drive -- frankly one of my worst in 8 years of Duluth life.  But made it home safe and sound.  Now I'm perched on my couch with my computer and a hot cup of tea watching HGTV.

Ok J!  12-12-12 comes on a Wednesday in the middle of my connecting week.  Not likely good for travel to where ever this little event might be taking place.  Did just find out there was a leap day 5K run here....yes in blizzard like conditions.  And yes a few brave souls did it.  Are you ready for your climb-run?

Mel   140/1000

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I didn't really check out the DC run you suggested yet, but I may have come across another .. .
"END OF THE WORLD RUN 12.12.12".  I know it is a terrible time of the year, but really, once in a lifetime - how can we pass that up?

Of course the site is not up, so there are no details (minor things, like where it is).  But you have to admit the "theme" is enticing!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Army 10-Miler: Oct 21st, 2012

How does this look for a possible event????  Always wanted to do a little exploring in DC.  Could bring the husbands...they could even participate.  Check your schedules!  See if this is a viable option!

Mel  132/1000

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

102 miles....

I can't tell you how satisfying I am finding this quest. Finally something I can do -- challenging but not beyond reason! Although I did just do the math...could I do 2000 miles. Seems I would need to average 160 miles a month -- that is likely unachievable!

But I like this!!!!


Saturday, February 11, 2012


Progress Report!  It's official NYC sucks for dieting or eating healthy -- but rocks for logging miles!  I'm holding on to that inspiration -- since rarely do i come back from NY with anything to be proud of.  Starting s training group on Tuesday....not training for anything in particular -- but hopefully gonna get my groove back!  Did the Jillian 30-Day Shred workout today -- good God that woman is serious about working out.

I did go to WW today -- my 9 days and 8 nights in NYC amounted to 2.2 lbs.  Which wiped out what I lost the week before.  But I had fun -- and ate pizza at least7 I can't really complain.  I have nearly 3 weeks at home now (one small 3 day trip to Montreal) -- so I'm feeling like I could have a break through.  Also any type of exercise has got to help.  Just got the SHT (Superior Hiking Trail....not Shit) newsletter and there appears to be some hikes coming up -- not sure if snow whose will be required or not.  I'm on it folks!!!!!!  I'm inspired!!!  Maybe it's the 2 glasses of wine I just had......self-medicating the 20 minute workout I did today with Jillian!  How can I already be sore?

What ya got ladies??????   Jessica you should have been a doctor -- you know more about the medical field than most.  I can't even spell the names of the people you are going to!  Just started the Girl with Dragon Tattoo....thought you might want to know.  Did you ever read the Hunger Games?  Get on it!  You and Miranda could read that one together!

Miss you guys....alot!!!!!   Mel

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hmmmm . . . .

The saga continues.   Today was my last day with my trainers . . . I really enjoyed it, but it's expensive so I'm taking a haitus at least for awhile.  Not to mention that over the approx 18 mos, I have put on 10 lbs of muscle, and only lost 4 lbs of fat!  At least I am now in the "average" percentile, very well below. My cardio is well above.  So those are all good things - but why can't I lose any weight?

I have doing my "morning pages" which I like b/c it helps me focus for the day.  Following the low glycemic diet, and I definitely feel better during the day.  But other than a few pounds to show for 7 wks, it is not melting it off, either. Exercise most days, in general very good habits.

After more and more reading, and in fact my trainer's speculation, it could all be linked to my terrible sleep pattern.  Adrenal fatigue, too much stress (cortisol in the body) and it activates other hormones that tell the body to cling to every fat cell.  I don't think I'm "stressed" but maybe I'm so used to it, I don't notice.  I go to see my Naturapath later this month, and I can't wait to see what she says to do next. I think maybe I need to go to an endocrynologist!

Of course the blessing is to be healthy, and in good shape.  But it doesn't mean that I'm not pissed off to be 30 lbs over weight!  I feel like I should have "more" to show with all of this hard work! So the puzzle still lingers.

JW 45/1000