Saturday, December 31, 2011
First Day Hike! Expanded
I think we should all get out there and try it for 2012!
OK - I got sidetracked and didn't finish my thought. I saw a commercial (I think it was for like financial planning or something) but the theme was about "what intrigues us so much about the FIRST STEP?" So like a babies' first step, or the step off of a diving board, things like that. I found that timely with the New Year - the first step (hike) in to 2012. Can be very symbolic, don't you think? A step in to the New Year, a step towards our health, a step towards new adventures, a step towards relationships (if you hike with people) - a million things.
So, Step into the New Year!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Vertical Challenge
So we have 12 wks to get in better shape - plenty of time - and it is inside for those of us in inclimate regions.
We have one here in MKE (US Bank is our tallest bldg) and NY, and I did see Minneapolis (but not sure about Duluth - hard to search cities). I invited my sister-in-law in HOUSTON to do it with us, b/c she is trying to get back in shape (and there is indeed one there). What do you think? Of course there are bibs (and in fact finisher medals, I think). It's only like 1100 stairs (47 flights here). And I think it will count as my letter "V."
It will be fun. We can all do it, so it would be like doing it together, although in our hometowns.
Are you in?
Friday, December 16, 2011
GI in IN!
I love this naturopathic lady. She said "I hate to tell you this a week before Xmas, but you should strictly follow the Glycemic Index protocol IMMEDIATELY.." I wonder how long it would have taken my primary care Dr. to figure this out (who I do like, by the way). Apparently it can lead to heart disease and pancreas issues and other nasty stuff if not controlled. I guess this is my last pizza Fri for awhile.
But as I said, I am happy to have A PLAN. I report in 60 days. Will keep you posted!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
So spend some time this week/weekend looking at ideas, and let's plan one!
Friday, December 2, 2011
The Theory
Thursday, December 1, 2011
New Plan!
So, I saw my naturopath yesterday and it is so interesting to me. Now my progesterone is through the roof (I don't know how they measure, but it supposed to be like 2400 and I'm 8000!). Symptoms include all my complaints - lethargy, weight gain, water retenion, etc etc. Still signs of adrenal fatigue, so I'm back on supplements for that as well.
But the big diagnosis, is she thinks I have some hyper-insulin thing. Kind of the opposite of a diabetic - when my body gets sugar, it produces way too much insulin. (not hyper glycemic, but hyper insulinmatic or something). You may recall when I followed So Beach for awhile I did feel better (low carbs, no fruit, milk, etc). So she suggested a Low Glycemic Load diet (well, lifestyle - diet infers short term). It seems very manageable. It's not just sugar - there is a formula to calculate the glycemic load. For example, watermelon is high in sugar, but has a low load b/c there is not much of it (high water content). Basically there is a red light, yellow light, green light list of foods and there is some of everything so you don't really miss much. Pretty easy to understand.
Of course I like that I could get new books to read on the topic. :)
I will keep you updated on how I feel! With my raging ear infection (and travel) I have not been working out, but I hope to use the time to focus on a new nutirition plan that will pay off. She does want to test my insulin, so I get to go eat a huge carb heavy breakfast (pancakes, syrup, juice - yummy!) and have it checked. But regardless I am going to give it a whirl. Because I love to have A PLAN!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Tenacity Prayer
Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence
Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
-- Ray Kroc
carry on.......Mel
Good Morning!
Now let me be clear -- you may still need a new journal! :) I know I did! LOL! And I'm far from perfect -- but the thought process made me see choices in a fresh way. Now back to the journal. I also left a page in every week to note a few things that stuck with me that week. I also set some small goals to get me started. I need to lose 12.5 lbs. Based on my recent history -- that's a huge goal. So I started with 2.5lbs. It's 2 weeks later and I have lost 1.5lbs. So slow and steady! I did have a set back on Halloween -- one of those damn office food days sucked me in! I have worked out four times in the last 2 weeks -- which isn't record setting -- but its better than nothing! I have also done my push ups every day.
I did just purchase a Jawbone wristband.
I think it's going to be super cool. I think it's along the lines of what your body bug does. It monitors everything from activity, calorie usage, sleep patterns, etc. I don't think it comes out till end of November...I hate the wait. I'm not sure what our goal should be for Spring -- I'll have to give that some thought!
Good luck today! A fresh start always feels good!
I had such focus and such fun on our hike, which now seems a million years ago. I have maybe worked out a couple hours since then, but honestly have been completely off the wagon. Gained several pounds, clothes feeling uncomfortable, not feeling energetic, caught a cold, blah blah blah. Why can I not embrace that I KNOW I feel better when I make healthy food choices and exercise? I really am not retarded. How many times do I have to go through this cycle?
So today I put my bodybugg back on, got out a cookbook, and plan to walk the dog as soon as the sun comes up. But I really think I need a new "date" to look forward to - even if it is in the spring. Ideas?
Monday, October 24, 2011
Mission Accomplished!
Now the humor..... By going to spinning class I missed my dentist appointment. I thought it was set for 8:30. Good thing I forgot -- otherwise it would have been an excuse to skip class. And I think I used some mystery cream in my hair as conditioner today -- I wasn't sure...took a risk and now my hair is looking a little strange. :)
Did anyone see the Steve Jobs story on 60 Minutes??????
His/Apple's motto: "Be Different"
I am meeting Kevin for dinner on Tues if you are available (I think that is your team nite) but I could also meet Wed 11/2 if you don't have plans!
Meanwhile, I did make some cool Halloween displays, which I will share photos of later!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
I have had such a nice weekend....I just wanted to tell someone. Nope...didn't do anything crazy -- but did what I wanted to. It was a perfect balance between productive and relaxing. It seems I haven't had one of these weekends in forever. Makes me think I need to make it happen more often. I feel renewed and ready to be in control of my week. I'm even getting back on the exercise bandwagon -- I've been taking some time off. Refocusing myself and thinking about what I want to do next. I'm flirting with the streak idea....with a firm focus on keeping it laid back. It's not about working's about being active. I also started my push ups again. Did 5 today --- intend to do 5 all week. Then assess if I want to go farther. Also in my goals -- lose 10% of my body weight. I would like to attain this by Dec 31st! One step at a time. Several other things I am working on -- all with the mentality of taking my life back!
I miss you guys! I'm going to be in NYC the weekend of Dec 2nd-4th......anybody up for a reunion? I'll also be there in Nov 6th - 11th.....if either of you to are around.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Can you keep a secret....
Saturday, October 1, 2011
How was Italy?
Hike your own Hike......
"I am there commitment to hike my own hike!" [p.s. I'll be seeing Susie on Monday]
Just spent 2 nights at a fabulous place in Wisconsin -- called Canoe Bay. Our 2nd time -- absolutely beautiful and lots of solitude. Went on 2 hikes in anticipation of the AT adventure just days a way now. Tim and I hiked on Jessica's special trail -- the Ice Age Trail. What a great trail. Even purchased the hardware to go on my walking stick....that I don't own yet! Now I home for the weekend and have to focus on the final preparation for the AT. That included a trip to Gander Mtn. I was impressed -- they had a lot of good stuff. Of course got a few things not on my list. I'm a retailer's dream shopper. Clearly it doesn't matter how much you know about the gimmicks -- you still fall for them. Sure I'll go find one or was it two more North Face items to get me up to the $100 limit so I can get the $20 gift card. You see the 2 items I started with only added up to $90......hmmm, is that just a coincidence, I don't think so. Finding the 2 additional items required getting a sales girl to undress a mannequin and me finding another grey hoodie I must that's at least my 3rd one. Enough about that weakness!
Now I'm home and just bought a book on Amazon.....a 1000 places you have to see before you die. I was reading the journal left in our room and I was amazed that several people referenced it in their entry. Apparently Canoe Bay is in there. So I guess it's 999 places for me. :) Jodi -- this also sounds up your alley....I now how much you like the list thing. Hey are you in Italy....I know the trip must be very close.
Alright....I'll take a breath and let someone else get a word in edge wise!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Checking In
I can't tell you how excited I get when I see an email pop up telling me somebody posted on the blog. I love reading what everyone is thinking. Sorry I have been so bad about posting recently. Trying to keep all the balls in the time and energy consuming.
I'm just finishing a book -- so I will see if the book Jessica mentioned is available for my kindle. And its possible the Chicago weekend might work. Can everyone get there Friday? I'm heading to NY after -- so it makes more sense if we can have Friday there -- or at least most of it there. I would then fly to NY on Sunday or first thing Monday morning. Let me know if that works for the you guys.
Just 2 weeks till the AT -- not even actually. I can't believe it!
Mom seems to be getting stronger -- so we are going to look at an assisted living option. She is extremely aggravated with us -- but I'm trying to talk her through it. I guess that's what I have to say for now.
Happy Sunday!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Today's Inspirational Quote
-- Author Unknown
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Book Title
Hike Your Own Hike by Francis Tapon.
It's about two people, who had "good" lives (goods jobs, etc) but not "amazing" ones. So of course they set off on the App Trail. It's not about how to backpack, but "how to live." "It will reawaken your spirit and energize your soul." It teaches you why the AT teaches more about human nature than mother nature.
The author is a life coach (degree in religion, then an MBA from Harvard - interesting) and has that caustic/self-effacing dry sense of humor that I enjoy. Easy to read (with pictures!)
I'm not done with it, but enjoying it, and seems like a topic that could juice us all up right now.
So go Hike Your Own Hike!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Happy Fall!
Let's make a pact! We will not succumb! We will not be another statistic! We can maintain our weight through the Fall and Winter and only focus on getting in to training shape for a new adventure next spring!
Let's Do it!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Mission Accomplished!
I completed one of my New Year's Resolutions (which I have pondered longer than that, frankly . . . ). I completed a digital scrapbook as a gift for our neighbors. It has been hanging over my head for months, and I finished and sent it off! Whoo Hooo! Nothing like completing a big project (that I think I'm gonna like - as long as it turns out like the preview on line!).
We have to celebrate our accomplishments, b/c these things clutter our brains as much as the other stuff!
Now on the next project on my list . . .
Day of Rest!
I completed my 8 mile hike -- but it wasn't easy! It was more difficult than I would have imagined. And yes I carried my pack -- 20 lbs. of assorted household things. I admit I felt pretty silly piling out of my car with enough gear to stay overnight. I quickly announced to the group I was just practicing -- not planning to camp. The 20 or so other hikers were nice as could be -- mostly women in there late 40's and early 50's....many hiking with friends. My observation about hiking is's not hard to do, but the fact that it takes typically 30 minutes to do a mile can really exhaust you if you are doing many miles. Our hike of 8 miles took 4 1/2 hours (including a lunch stop....and my first visit to a latrine). It was in the high 50's and I was sweating like crazy! Since I know you are interested Jessica -- I believe I covered an elevation change of 650 ft. As low as 650ft up to 1300ft. So this is a sport of endurance....slow and steady! I'm sore today in some odd spots....but not bad. A bit frightened of how I might feel after doing this 4 days in a row.
On to the other big aspect of my life right Mom. We put her in a nursing home on Saturday a week ago yesterday. It was difficult, she didn't want to go, does't want to be there......but unfortunately needs to be. So I have been trying to get her settled, organize her home and her life so that it can be navigated from Duluth, MN and trying to find peace with my decisions.
I have another thing going on that I will share with you guys when we talk -- don't want to post it. All of this is making me super emotional. That or my hormones are in high gear. But I am crying at the drop of a hat....seriously -- a song, a thought, etc. You name it -- it seems to make me emotional. I'm not super sad -- just emotional.
Jess -- just bought another boatload of stuff from REI. It's crazy......the trip is $500 -- but the gear to take the trip is $1500! We'll need to hike the AT....just to get our monies worth.
Last but not least -- the Chicago idea. I need to work through the calendar a bit. But love the idea!!!!
That's all for now!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
My 1st Big Hike
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Monday, September 12, 2011
November 5th
You know me, I like to have that little motivational (rationalization) for a trip of drinking, shopping, and other indulgences and there are often events along the Lake Shore. One that recently caught my eye is the HOT CHOCOLATE 5k (Jodie and I can do 5 - Mel you can do the 15K!). It is sponsored by Ghiradelli Chocoloate. Right up my alley! It is Nov 5th. I would love to go, but if that is too soon, they have a huge St. Pat's one too that I've heard is great fun - although the weather in Mar is always a little suspect there.
Keep me posted if any dates arise. I am happy to help with planning!
Short Streak
New day (am I the Queen of new days, or what?), Life is short as Jodie says, and there is still 3 wks before the AT. So there is still hope! I got moving this morning, got my walk in, and work out scheduled over lunch. I need to focus on one day at a time.
Hope your weekends were better!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Today's Inspirational Quote
Laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of what you can't change. Love deeply and forgive quickly. Take chances. Give everything and have no regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy. You have to take the good with the bad.
Smile when you're sad, love what you got, and always remember what you had. Always forgive, but never forget. Learn from your mistakes but never regret. People change, and things go wrong but always remember... life goes on!"
-- Author unknown
This showed up today and thought of posting it
Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life
I would love to fly west and spend a weekend with the two of you in the fall. I have never been to chicago and would love to go!!! Let me know if we can make this work!
I have sign up for a 5k at the end of september to get me back to exercising. I needed to push myself out of my lazy state!
I leave for Italy for 10 days next Monday and can not wait! I am going with a friend who has planned the whole trip and all i have to do is show up!
Happiness is my way of life!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Master of Destiny!
This topic is too complex to write about - hence the need for talking (and wine drinking). It effects many levels. Having made a career decision awhile back (can you believe it has been 6 yrs?) I might have some insight to share re: the corporate value proposition. I couldn't articulate it at the time, but not feeling "valuable" was honestly one of my many factors for leaving my position. I feel I add value to my current company every day - it is very different. But on other levels, I just read a book titled "Die Fat or Get Tough" which basically is the same message - accept that you are the master of your destiny (weight) and that is the difference in thinking between fat people and skinny people.
We are going to hear Dean Karnazes speak on Thurs - have you read any of his books? (the ultramarathon guy). I think they are funny. (he tells of running all night, then being giddy at a wedding reception b/c of that - pigging out at the buffet- and was introduced to a Senator and blew carrot out his nose from laughing). He will probably have some insight on this topic, b/c he relates his running escapades to life. The proceeds all go to the Ice Age Trail! (b/c there is now an IAT 50!). It all comes full circle - if you hadn't "made" me run a half, then I wouldn't have been interested in this "hobby" and the kooks involved; which lead to understanding hiking more and what can be accomplished, which lead to the IAT goal, which leads back to Dean . . . am I making sense? It's all valuable!
I can't wait to see you!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
What I have to say for myself
Let me try to catch everyone up at the same time. I was first of all in Toronto last week scoping out competition and the customers. Trip went well overall -- got back Thursday around noon. Instead of going into the office as I had planned -- I chose to spend the time at home catching up and relaxing. What a good thing...... I can't tell you how much renewal I got from that one afternoon. I had a call Skype called planned with Susie from I took this time to reflect on what I truly wanted from this work. It was a bit of an "ah hah" moment for me. I've likely said it a hundred times in some form....but not as clearly as it came to me on Thursday. So in true Strozzi form I would like to state....
I am the commitment to being the master of my own destiny.
And let me say this -- for many years in my life I did basically what I wanted -- but I have slipped into this world of accomplishing other people's goals for me, meeting their standards, allowing myself to only be happy if other's were happy with me. If my boss thinks I'm good -- then it must be true and vice versa. I have allowed my value to be based on how other's valued me. This job change really struck the nail on the head. I felt completely unvalued by my company. [Note to all: do not mention our company names in this blog. I know we search all blogs for our company name being used and that could allow all of this conversation to be public] I also realized I know particular career path in mind and it was blatantly apparent all of a sudden. So I felt exposed and de-valued. I don't know exactly how....but I am going to own my life going forward. I suspect I'll fall back about a million times....but got to start at some point. I could say a lot more but I'll stop there for now.
Now on more of a family level.....
My Mom's caregiver called me yesterday to say Mom is mentally very confused and experiencing a lot of anxiety. She imagines someone is taking her home, that they are tearing off the roof, there is writing on the floor, etc. Don't know what is happening....waiting for a call from the hospital or Cora. So not sure at this point what the next move is.
Trying to enjoy Labor Day weekend with Tim......headed to NYC on Tuesday. So that catches everyone up on the big stuff. Oh let me end on a positive note.....went running on Saturday for the 1st time in 2 months! Yahoo!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Right Back At Ya
10. I love you b/c you are older than me. OK - just kidding. That one doesn't count.
10. I love you b/c when I was drunk and passed out you took my contacts out for me (see, 20 yrs ago, but I remember!)
9. I love you b/c you listen, and you can relate. You don't judge, you don't try to fix (unless asked). You just listen and seems you can always totally relate!
8. I love that you can shop. You are equally thrilled purchasing a prada purse or a great find at Target. We may spend $500 on the spa, but darn it, only $19.95 on the rental car.
7. I love that you can watch the same movies over and over and still laugh. Bon Appetite!
6. I love you b/c you love Mellencamp. And Meatloaf.
5. I love that you are an honest and fair person. You don't care what others think - you say and do what you believe in.
4. I love that you are as directionally challenged as I am.
3. I love your attitude that you can do anything. From a trapeze class to figuring out a remote control. It is inspiring.
2. I love that you are an interesting person. You always know the "latest" thing, place, show, whatever.
1. I love that you have a Big Heart.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
We need more practice.....
I felt the same way you did trying to list those 10 things......what if the stuff I like about myself wasn't that significant, what if someone else read it and're not really that, etc. Typically stuff that runs through my head...."my story." I am on a mission to change my story -- it was a good story when I was 25 or 30 years old -- but now I need a new that reflects me for who I am today. But I agree we have all been telling our stuff all the things we don't love about ourselves for so's freakin' difficult to think of what we do like. We say we know we are loved and that we are good people, etc....but we can't easily come up with 10 things we like about ourselves. So we are going to practice....
I'm going to tell you 10 things I love about you -- and I mean love! You are an amazing friend and fabulous woman!
1. I love that you have remained my friend through thick (hmm...funny choice of words for us) and thin -- through all the ups and downs -- you never took any time were always there.
2. My only friend in life who I believe has visited me in every state I have lived in.
3. I love that you love pizza as much as i do.....minus the mushrooms.
4. I love that you will stay up till 3 in the morning scrapbooking with me like we are kids.....even at the age of 45
5. I love that we go to bed exhausted after said scrapbooking and we can't go to sleep because we can't stop talking and giggling
6. I love that you take care of me when you know I am hurting from some injustice in the world -- you email me, you send me a make me laugh and you help me pick up the pieces and shove them back together in whatever chaotic manner we can.
7. I love the person you have become after leaving Kohls and changing your lifestyle -- you are truly a great example for me
8. I love that you let me talk you into crazy stuff and......
9. I love that you are pretty damn good at coming up with your own crazy stuff! AT
10. I love that you obsess over stuff -- it's so fun and shows me how passionately you live your life!
11. I could go on for at least another hour....I suspect! But I end on this one -- I love you because I can count on you no matter whether it's something fun or be there for me.
Hopefully some of this helps you know how much you are loved by others -- so there is no reason to not love your self with the same passion that you live your life!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
List of 10 - Hmm . . .
Ten things that come to mind that I like about myself:
1. My health - and these habits set examples for others
2. I have raised (am raising) three responsible, respectful children
3. My green eyes - we are a limited population
4. I am well read - I read every day, enjoy it, and read pretty much anything
5. Open minded to explore new places and learn new things
6. My sense of creativity and color, but I can use my left brain
7. I am an organizer. I get things done.
8. I have a sense of humor. About myself, I can make others laugh, and see the light side of most situations.
9. I am a thoughtful gift giver
10. My general sense of optimism. I can work with a little, see the best in things, and always look forward to tomorrow. :)
But tmrw, back on the bandwagon! I hope to hit the IAT. And Mon I will need to start attacking some work for real.
10 things I like about myself.....
1. I like that my hair is red....even if I have to help it along a little bit
2. I have a history of being athletic -- I'm a runner at heart
3. I like that I am curious -- always want to try new things and have new experiences
4. I like that I started out a small town girl
5. I like that my friends are few....but genuine
6. I like that I am humble
7. I love that I love animals
8. I like the fact that I don't act my age
9. I like that I don't give up -- I keep trying
10. I like that I think all things are possible..
Now it's your turn!
Confessional open for business....
I feel a little empty -- I had a bunch of David meetings this week, a 2 day offsite to work on strategy building and yes....the company picnic. The meetings were very mediocre. I feel like I am under the microscope....but just my own view -- but it gets to me either way. I worry that I am becoming such a negative nellie -- that people are steering clear of me. Except for my one pain in the ass team member who suggested via email today that i needed to be sensitive to her workload. Thought about screaming F*** You....but politely told her I needed to be sensitive to the whole team not just her.
Where do these self-centered, entitled and obnoxious people come from....and how the Hell did she get on my team. Now that the team is smaller she is going to get a lot more of my attention -- and I can promise she is not going to like it.
Now back to me..... :) and you of course! I don't care if we are so fat we roll -- we are going to have a good time. We are gonna talk endlessly, take in the amazing views, take about a million pictures -- causing everyone to have to wait for use, then we are gonna make fun of whoever we want -- including ourselves. And for God's sake if we have to huff and puff to do it....we will! I think I'll fill my pack with bags of M&M's, to hell with rice!
Watch out world -- there are two peri-menopausal women headed toward the Appalachian Trail....don't get in our way! We are several pounds overweight and could be dangerous.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Regroup, regroup, regroup . . . . Arrggh!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Right With You, Sister!
* Meanwhile, I do my Mud Run - which yes, was very fun with my friends in the pouring rain, but honestly? I ran like crap. I had to walk up some hills. Frankly I was worried about twisting an ankle (it was indeed treacheroulsy slick) but the fact is that I was at the tail of our little pack and I know I can clearly run 3 miles. Later in the day, I was thinking that I really felt like a loser. They had to wait for me (well, only a few minutes, but still!) to cross the finish together. Add that to the psyche. They're my friends - I'm sure they do not care - but you know!
* Yes, in my years of Catholic School, I suppose any form of self-reflection is a type of confessional. At least we are not "physically" self-flagulating ourselves (did you see DaVinci Code?) But the point is to reflect, cleanse, absolve thyself and move on to improve!
* SO, today is a new day! In fact, yesterday (after my nap) I started cleaning my house; I got up early today and walked, got my nutrition back on track, and worked out mid-morning. Now if I could only concentrate on work I would be good.
* BTW, Steve was a Piper City, IL boy who worked in Canada (for Goodyear). In fact, I think he may still live there. Speaking of Steve's, I think you should look up the Moosejaw one and have him outfit us for our adventure!
* SIX WEEKS! We can focus for SIX WEEKS, right?! Let's do it! We will NOT be at the tail of the hiking group! And let's set a realistic goal . . . 6 lbs? (I'd like 10, but let's say 6!) Are you game?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
I'm not Catholic.......
I do feel more relaxed in some way after all this job stuff. That and there hasn't been a "mom" issue for at least 2 weeks -- so I am feeling damn near giddy!
That's enough "piss & vinegar" for now! I'll get back to you guys in a few days and let you know how it all goes!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Back on the Trail Again!

Saturday, August 6, 2011
Sitting on my back porch listening to the rain and enjoying the fireplace. A pretty darn good Saturday night by my standards. Trying to calm myself -- before the onslaught of work. Between now and the last week of August -- I have a massive amount of work to accomplish. So I'm trying not to panic. Also truly trying to understand how you hold on to your self......"honor yourself" as Jodie and I discussed last weekend while going through these type of times. There are several personal things I feel the desire to do -- bur reluctant to take my eyes off the work. How can I excel at work if I don't give it everything. Trying to figure out how to delegate more.
I feel relatively calm right now -- not sure why -- but grateful for the feeling!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I needed this!
As you both know I have been struggling with my work changes -- I've had a conversation with everybody but God about it! Actually I did speak to God -- but I think you know what I meant by the comment. I go through one day and I'm fine....then the next one I'm riddled with anxiety. Not sure when the announcement is some ways I want it to happen and just be over -- but then I know there is no going back afterwards.
I have also been struggling with eating and working out. Typical Melissa behavior.....all on or all off! So I have 2 days on.....assuming I don't have any kind of emotional breakdown tonight. I think I'm safe for now.
Seeing everyone posting really made me feel better. I clearly prefer dealing with other people's problems instead of my own. So nothing profound to say -- but thanks guys!
Jodie -- I'll see you soon....can't wait to hang out!
Jessica -- you are right! One day at a time!
Monday, July 18, 2011
It's so nice to see you back! I'm here working and saw your post, so immediately took a pause to write back. We all go through "ebbs and flows" - it's the cycle of life! But it is great that you are taking a step back towards something you like and want to do. It is hard for all of us - I have been so on track, but this week I am at my sister-in-laws in Houston (read HOT) and she is 34 wks pregnant w/ twins so not moving so fast. The first two days I got up early, ran, etc; then came the daily Mexican food, baby shower, mall stops, etc etc and it just gets so easy for those old habits to creep back up. Here I am up early, but working . . . a personal priority slip!
But we are strong, and we can do it!
One day at a time! Remember how great you felt and how much fun you had!
i'm back...
well, i have been going through some personal challenges that i have been trying to work through and i thought why not share with the two of you. if i get it out maybe i can move on.... As you both know i loved doing the mud run, but since that time i haven't exercise but 2 times. i couldn't figure out why until last week after meeting Susie .( Melissa and my coach) As susie calls it , it's my old friend or pattern of behavior came back. I shut down on life! I gave up on myself! It comes out in many forms, relationships, work, eating and exercise. Well i am putting this down on the blog so i can move on... Today is a new day! i know that everyday i need to work on these behavior to stay in the game of life... i know what that feels like (life) and i love it! so writing it down is my first step! maybe going to the gym tonight will be my second step!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Summer in Duluth!
Starting another book about hiking -- key learning......uphill hiker always has the right of way. Learned other stuff to -- but not as easy to explain! :) I have sztarted to tell others about the big adventure on Oct 6th....I still can't quite believe it myself. I need to research a little on NH......curious about weather, etc.
Less than 3 months to go!
By the way -- so cool about Doug and his triathlon! Tim just got a hole-in-one on Thursday!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Mr. T
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Mud Update
I got over the 5 ft wall OK, and climbed up the 20 but chickened out at the top and couldn't get over! LOL. The one is the event is only like 10 ft so I think I'll be fine but isn't that funny. I think I need some mental coaching!
So Beach/BodyBug combo working well - down 11 pounds which has not happened in YEARS. I had a goal of 15 by vacation (12 weeks) so I am on track. 4 lbs left, in 3 weeks. Whoo Hoo!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Enter my new toy - my Bodybugg! I am really enjoying it! It straps on your arm, which measures your caloric burn. You then enter your food (syncs to phone) and you know if you are creating enough of a deficit to hit your goal or not! It is well suited for my anal personality!
So I am discovering that yeah, what I do is great, but pretty much keeps me stable b/c other than my workouts I am relatively sedentary the balance of the day which will be great when I'm at goal, but not enough to get there.
Like today, I ran 3.5m on the trails this morning (gorgeous WI morning!) ate two great meals and feeling so cool about myself. But when I updated everything, I realized that I still need to burn 750 cals to hit my goal for the day! Normally I think "I ran, I'm done." So now I am thinking of a few other things to sneak in between ball games and conference calls.
This sense of immediacy, or "one day at a time" is really keeping me focused. I think it will be especially helpful when I am on vacation for three weeks in July! I'm all about the fun new gadgets.
Monday, June 27, 2011
After the 5.5 I hope to do tmrw, we will have finished 70 miles. Not bad since April! All of Waukesha county (our county - 44 m) so now the real planning starts.
I have to go back to work now - but I am so distracted! I want to talk abou this more! Want some more books? A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson (funny - AT) or A Blistered Kind of Love (Pac Crest Trail) but I forget the authors (couple).
The adventure begins on the......SHT!
Perhaps the 1st picture looks a little weird -- had to shoot it through the windshield wipers -- it was pouring! Today I drove to this lovely little house in Two Harbors to get all the info I needed to start my hiking adventure. This trail is 277 miles long reaching from a little south of Duluth to just short of the Canadian border and primarily runs along Lake Superior. Got the book, got the maps and assorted other goodies that I need to review. Now to figure out my plan of attack! Can't wait!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Oh yeh....that's why I run!
Then due to the the rain and my general exhaustion.....I didn't run with my group on Saturday. So I was left to run alone on Sunday. Needed to log 12 miles. So at about 9am -- I headed out to complete the task. It was semi-sunny and in the mid 50's. Decided to run toward a neighborhood I always want to explore...but don't. You see I'm always in a hurry -- no time to be aimlessly exploring. As I neared the turn....thought what the heck maybe I'll run to the local country club.....wonder how far that actually is. On the way there I found a trailhead. Took a little turn and found a new place I'd never been. Then another trailhead and oh yeh, a fast running stream and a small waterfall. Made it to the club and saw a deer running right up the driveway......wonder if she was a member???? Then headed back and still made it through the neighborhood I wanted to see. And yet another trailhead. Who knew. This trip also took me by a church with an organized event to bless bikes -- yeh motorcycles! That was a sight to see -- 500 plus bikes and bikers getting a nod from the big guy upstairs!
It was all an excellent reminder why I run -- not to complete a task...but to explore on my own what I have missed before!
Friday, May 27, 2011
It's Working . . .I Think!
Jodie - I just wanted to tell you that while I hit a roadblock last week, I got over it and back on the SB bandwagon. In 4 weeks, (post my lethargic vacation of an added few) I got off 7 lbs. That is unheard of in my world. I struggled a little early (no energy when working out) but now I think I have the perfect combo figured out and I feel great. No real reason, but I cut the Diet Coke as well (SHOCK) (I had maybe 1 or 2 a day) so that may be helping as well - who knows.
I think the next two weeks will be the true test to see if I can keep the momentem going. My body has a clear history of yo-yoing on me. But writing here keeps me committed, and I have two local friends who are trying it, so I can't be the failure since I started it!
Everyone enjoy the long weekend!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
I Need a New Day
So far today has not been much better; I spent some time looking up weight loss clinics and spas, and then had a nice big nap. I think I need one of your Strozzi type therapists to analyze my eating habits (clearly something is awry), an MD to analyze my body chemistry and a boot camp seargant to kick my butt!
It's a new day!
Jessica has got me looking up all sorts of trail stuff -- so I may spend a little time exploring that topic as well. I hope you both are finding a great way to enjoy your weekend as well.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Surprises for my favorite friends!
Jess -- you're just taking a little mental break. Give yourself a reasonable break and then get back on! Treat yourself if you need to....then spend some quiet time with yourself and come to terms with what is holding you back.
Jodie -- you seem to have gone underground. But I will keep calling! I'll be in NY the week of June 5th. I could come in early and we could hang out and talk Strozzi till we can't stand it anymore. I have a lot to tell you....and I know you have a lot to share with me as well.
Now back to me -- I'm settling back into my routine. Eating normal -- working out like I should.... Just need to deal with my mental stuff from Strozzi. I'm working on that.
Sweet dreams everyone!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Fat Farm Anyone?
I was at the OB this week for check up and she commented "hmm, gained a few pounds since last year" No sh*t. (she's big by the way - I love her, but she is overweight). Thurs I went to run hills and I couldn't even do the warm up run (I think I was missing my carbs). So of course last night I used work as an excuse and did not make the time to run - I blew it off. It is such a vicious downward spiral!
I swear I need to go into some remote clinical study or just hang it all up. A lady I work with just turned 50, also has thyroid issues, and has worked with a trainer for about 2 months now. She of course has lost 8 lbs already - only trying to lose 15. I have been at it a year, and need to lose 30 and have 0 to show! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
60 Hours at Home
No big profound life changes yet.....but stay tuned.
Love you guys! Hey Jodie.......what's going on with you?????
Friday, May 6, 2011
SB Wk 1 Report
But I digress . . . yes, I went to run hills last nite (instead of drinking margs and eating enchiladas for Cino de Mayo!) and I have to say it was sooooo hard. I had no gas at all. And weights today were hard. So I'm not sure if I'm missing my energy carbs or just in a lazy state. But I lost a few pounds, which in my world, has not happened in years. I put on a few during 10 days of vacation slugfest (do you like that word?) so not sure if I can count that, but -4.8. From before vaca not quite so much, but still down, which as I say is a miracle for me. The true test is what week 2 holds!
Enjoying my hummus and veggie snack right now!
Ultra Marathon by Dean Karnazes. It's not about the ultra, it's about this guys' focus and crazy determination and for some strange reason I am finding it pretty darn funny. Like how he thought he was so cool until some army recruits with packs blew by him (twice); and how he had this cool Lexus as a work perk and puked all over inside after a race.
Of course you know me - I enjoy reading about other people's running more than doing it myself!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Had a good week from a workout stand point -- this week will be challenging as usual. But I am not afraid! Jessica -- when is your dirty girl thing?????????
Thinking about both of you and hoping all is well and there is optimism in the air and in your hearts!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
New Beginnings
Queen Fu (that is what Sam calls me lately. He is a Ninja warrior).
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Thank you!
Me experience in Portland goes beyond what I can explain in this blog -- at least at this stage. I feel like I had all these things exposed -- some of which I expected and many that I didn't. It has made me feel weak, humble and yet hopeful. I'm not sure what it all means -- but hopeful that I will find a way to live my life in a more true way and with greater sense of who I am.
What I will say here is that I truly need friendship -- I need to care deeply about people and I need them to care about me in the same way. I need to be loved and need to take the time to love others. Not just communicate -- but feel. Posting that sad note and having both of you reach out to me in your own way is so much what I needed. Thank you sincerely -- you help me to know that I matter. Jessica -- I know you are probably wondering what the hell is going on with this Portland thing. This Strozzi thing is like soul-searching on steroids.
Enough for now -- just needed to air some of this emotion.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
3 Degrees of Sep
Mojo needed......
I literally feel emotionally distraught about all of this. I'm getting tears in my eyes as i type this. I hate this feeling of being out of control -- kind of like I don't even have the energy to try. Sorry to unload on everyone -- but I'm feeling pretty darn sorry for myself and I need to tell someone. I'm trying to remain calm and just move forward.
It was good to hear the positivity in everyone's posting -- I will think about how I renew myself and get back on the wagon.
Thanks for listening! MM
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
New Day!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I'm so inspired!
Jessica....I would love to spend a week with you, observing what you eat. I just can't believe you can't lose weight. I do recall it was a slow process for you when we were doing it together. But it's not physically possible to stay the same if you are burning more calories. So something is a miss -- but not sure what. You are working with professionals so I'm not sure what advice I could add. If I had to guess -- I would say portion control. I feel for you -- it is so frustrating to not lose weight when you are trying so hard.
Jodie -- how cool that you are getting so comfortable at the gym. And I very much agree -- a friend helps a lot. So sad mu running buddy is moving to Milwaukee this fall.....perhaps another connection for Jessica! :)
Checking on an Aikido class this week....not sure if I can get in -- but it's on my list. I'm intrigued by the whole martial arts thing!
P.S. Tim is also "streaking" in his own way. He has worked out 5 days a week since the beginning of February!
no turning back...
Saturday, April 9, 2011
London Calling.....
I think the mud thing you are doing -- sounds very similar to the races Jessica and I have signed up for to. But a 10K will be challenging with the obstacles. Good for you!!!! You are going to get the addiction -- sounds like you are starting to get it now. Is your daughter going to do it to?
I'm going to call you tomorrow Jodie -- we have a lot to talk about!!!!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Call me crazy!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Double Dip
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Songs I like....
One Headlight
Hold On Tight
Oh, I love you so
Have you ever seen the rain
All Star
Bittersweet Symphony
Life is a Highway
Say Hey (I Love You)
Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)
It's Raining Men
On the Road Again
History Repeating
Son of a Preacher Man
Runnin' Down a Dream
Real Wild Child
Rave On
Once Bitten Twice Shy
Mr Jones
Livin' On a Prayer
I Won't Back Down
I can See Clearly Now
How Do You Like Me Now
The Horizontal Bop
Blinded by the Light
Ballroom Blitz
And We Danced
All Shook Up
New Soul
Check out some of these!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Music, Anyone?
Monday, March 21, 2011
Me & My Big Ideas
Now that I look at the calendar more closely, I will be in NY on the 6th and 7th; however it is Shavuo
t (whatever that is) so our office is closed on the 8th and 9th. Not to mention that I have a 5th gr and 8th gr graduation on the 9th, so I should be here! Can't hang out until the 11th.
I am back in NY on the 20th (men's market). So it doesn't work.
I hope you can pick another options! B/C I do think it will be great fun!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
June 11th....Brooklyn
So Jessica -- think about whether that could work or not with Robbie in town. And Jodie -- check out the website and see if you are game for such an undertaking. I will be there for market week -- so I would extend my stay over the weekend. And as a bonus -- there is excellent pizza to be had in Brooklyn!!!
Think about it girls!!!! Also -- I haven't ruled a half marathon don't panic yet! :)
Saturday, March 19, 2011
My turn to catch up.....
Ok let me give you a run down on my workouts. As you can imagine -- vacations can make for interesting workouts! :) Hmmmm.....can you count sex? Just kidding! :) Ok -- first of all kudos to Tim (not for the sex....) but for encouraging me and walking with me in every airport. As soon as we got there and where we needed to be...he'd say let's walk the terminal and we did. FYI -- he has that same compulsion that many walkers/runners have to touch some inanimate object at the end of the route to confirm you completed the distance. Then on 2 days we went on 2 hour hikes with plenty of elevation -- we always say, we should do more kining at home, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Then there was the trip to the Pima Air & Space Museum. Huge facility -- as you might imagine if you were going to have a museum for airplanes. It's so freakin' big you can see it on google earth. Then today it was back to the running group -- another 8 miler. The weather is finally starting to turn the corner here as well and what a pleasant change that is!!!!
I can't control myself -- this will be my longest post to-date. Jodie -- I will be in NY again the week of May 1st. Also trying to combine a trip to my Mom's with that -- but I'll keep you posted. Can't wait to hear how the surfing goes -- that's very cool!!! Get pictures!!!
Jessica -- I want to pick a date....but I am so overwhelmed with my travel schedule and as you know I can't always nail that down as far in advance as I would like. I'm feeling frantic -- and that is bad news for me. So try to stay the course and I know when the time is right we can figure something out. The Nashville thing might work, but way to soon to tell. I love the dirty-girl race you are doing -- that sounds fabulous. I'm making a note about that -- is there late registration available for that???
I am currently doing Grandma's Half Marathon on 6/18 and the Warrior Dash on 7/23. May be doing the Ragnar Relay again on 8/19-8/20. So I am monitoring the situation and trying to maintain my sanity at the same time!
Love you guys -- and thanks for motivating me!
No More Excuses!
* got cleared by the ENT on Wed (OK for all exercise)
* lifted weights with trainer on Fri (about killed me - it's been a month!)
* purchased new running shoes (since I never did find my old ones!)
May I digress one moment . .. who picks these shoe colors? Maybe it is only the model I wear, but not sure they could be uglier. This season it is like a mint green that looks like flavored pepto bismal. In my next life . . .
Miranda (my 11 yr old) wanted to bike this a.m. Trying to be supportive, I put on my long johns and gaitor (yes, Melissa, I own TWO gaitors believe it or not!) and went out with her. Quite invigorating!
Jodie I can't wait to hear about Costa Rica - I want to go there next yr on spring break, so keep good notes!
Enjoy a Healthy weekend!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
i am still out here....
I know you both thought I stopped the challenge but I am still doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jessica I am glad you are feeling better and back to exercising. Melissa you are still crazy with all your classes etc.
I have had some tough weeks but 5 days is easier then 7 and it allows me to take a break. My daughter is now my walking partner and she pushes me when i don't feel like exercising. This past weekend we did some trails around my house and both of us were hurting, but we turned around the next day and did it again.
I know that this is the longest that i exercising in years. So thank you for encouraging me to sign up for this.
My diet has been more of a struggle and I take it one day at a time.
At the end of the month I go to costa rico and i signed up for surfing lessons. I hope I can stand up at least once.
But you know my motto Mellisa it's not about doing it perfect it's about the journey.
This is my quote i try to live by...
"Happiness is a journey, not a destination" Souza
Mellisa i am doing alot better and feeling more like my self again. Let me know the next time you are in the city. I have my last call with Susie this Friday!
Glad to be back blogging!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
DAY 2 = 2 MILES!
It hit 40 degrees, and while there is snow the roads were dry. I didn't take my music, or look at the clock, or take my nike+; I just went out at my turtle pace and enjoyed the bits of blue sky and listened for the few returning birds. My body felt great and it was good to know I could have gone further, but my nose really hurt. It was nice to know my months of elliptical and weeks of walking did not set me back as far as I thought they might. Hopefully I will get fully cleared tmrw from the ENT and can start with my weights again.
My Miranda (11) is obsessed with her weight. I have been blowing it off as to not make a big issue of it (that's what the books preach) but she is very serious so we are going to both try to lose 5 lbs by Spring Break (4.22). So now I have an in-house parther!
Melissa - I need a date! Nashville, Nashville, Nashville . . . see my mojo is back, so I need a real date to focus on!
Monday, March 14, 2011
I'm Baaaaaack . . . .
Doug has been xx skiing for hours, running, swimming like crazy - he is really ticking me off (just kidding!)
I officially signed up for an event this summer finally - one of those mud obstacle races here locally ( Only a 5k, and not until Aug, but at least I have SOMETHING on the calendar to get back at it.
After the event there are manis/pedis, cosmos, etc - should be fun.
Day 1 down .. .
Saturday, March 12, 2011
.....crickets chirping
I did pretty good in NY -- worked out everyday but one....which was my travel day home. I should have no problem making that up, so I consider it a success. Now vacation -- but don't worry, I packed my stuff so I'm optimistic. I see a lot of walking/hiking in my future.
And what's new with you guys????
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Hello out there.....
I will do this!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Keep on truckin"....
Ok -- now back to you. Pick yourself up and brush yourself off......and get back on the horse. I know I've been down this path before and there is success in recovering! Your how us how resilient you are!
Gotta go for now -- it's past my bed time!
Monday, February 28, 2011
New Challenge!
With the new month of March approaching, I have a new challenge! We have all been doing so well, that I thought we should each see if we can recruit another person to join us this month! Let's spread the word! What do you think?
I am pondering my Mom believe it or not (she is trying - she wants to be around to see her new grandtwins on the way!); or my garage sale friend Debbye (b/c she is a hoot); and Doug has some interest (not sure we want to include him, though).
BTW Melissa, I can't even walk across the library parking lot in 9 degrees, let alone run 6 miles! You must feel like you can conquer the WORLD when you are done. I am in awe. Can't believe it's Gma training time already. Wow.
I Cracked
So I laid in my bed. I did not do all of the dishes. I ate a girl scout cookie. I did not even wash my face (I did brush though!). And I slept through the night. :)
The silver lining? MORE CHAMPAGNE TO SHARE!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Single Digits!
I plan to start thinking about how I'm going to deal with my NY trip next week and working out. Followed by my vacation week. I've got to get myself prepared -- the travel makes this so hard for me.
I hope everyone had a good weekend and good luck as we enter another week of our challenge. How are you feeling Jessica -- are you getting close to full recovery?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Dr. Phil!
Whatever works for you, I say! Keep it up!
BTW, does shoveling count? Doug and my able-bodied teenager are leaving for FL today, and we have snow coming (and the snowblower is broken). It took Doug 3 hrs to clear everything the other day . . .
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Twice is Nice
I swear to God -- I can't believe how much we have all done since we started! I bet we could get on Oprah, or maybe Ellen. Consider that as a new "letter" Jessica -- or add that to your bucket list Jodie! Who should we sell our story to????? Something new to ponder!
Jodie -- we need to talk. Do you have a death wish or something? I'm intrigued by the whole race car thing......but I need more time to forget about my last brush with death!
The Runs Don't Stop
Approaching Day 50, which truly is amazing.