Friday, November 1, 2013


Not the typical treats, I realize, but I picked them up last night and that is what the "Vitamin Coach" told me when he handed me the bag!
I'll back up . . . you may recall that one of my New Year's Resolutions was to cook more (so I have taken some cooking classes - one this month is Mediterranean Cooking coincidentally - will explain below) and eat fish once a week b/c these things are proven to be healthy.  Plus you know that I read everything I can find on clean eating and see my naturopath to try to help me figure out how to feel better.  I just feel crappy so much of the time, and everything spirals out of that.  The weight frustration, sore muscles, itchy eyes, insomnia, etc etc.  Anyhow, I attended this "Pathways to Health" seminar on detoxing (at my PCAP pharmacy). I took the in depth quiz, and I am HIGHLY toxic!  It just explains so many of my symptoms. 
So I am starting my month by detoxing my liver.  The program is 21 days, and seems pretty manageable (I take a lot of these supplements anyway).   The first two days are a fast (that's a scary word - not really, you have protein shakes and supplements.  I counted my points!) and then you can eat normally except for a short list of common allergens (like peanuts).  The detox is actually only 7 days, and the balance is an effort to get on a healthy/regenerating eating path.  We have three classes during the protocol to learn about clean eating, supplementation, and the Med Diet which they profess, which I find interesting regardless.
Hopefully I will enter this dark, dreary time of year (in WI) and New Year with renewed vigor!

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