Sunday, January 30, 2011

In Peril!

My streak was almost in peril today . . . but with the motivation of my peeps, I restrategized! I have been going through a week of not sleeping and behind on everything (I even noticed the acute need for a pedicure while at yoga yesterday!) so I got moving rather late this a.m. I did not have time to exercise before heading off for a day of kids b'ball games, and I knew I would not be home until 7:30 - with packing and organizing the week to look forward to as I travel the next 4 days. But then I saw that Jodie went out and walked in the snow, and decided if she could do it, I can do it! So, I changed clothes in to more exercise friendly gear (also used for scrapbooking - hmm, can the love of one use transfer to another?) and headed off to the games. Funny how no one seemed to notice that I was in sweats and not designer jeans (like I own any - but you get the picture).

We had an hour between two games, so instead of chatting and looking at nasty concessions, I bundled up for the 21 degrees and went outstide and walked! The track of course was covered in snow, but it was one big high school campus (and gee, I was the only one out there!). There were even some hills. I may have a little wind burn, and was a little sweaty for the last game, but I was proud that I did it!

And even more - I packed a good lunch and snacks so I was not hungry all day and not even tempted by the ususal stuff. Isn't it interesting when one aspect of this "healthy lifestyle" falls in to place, it makes it all fall in to place?

Press On!

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