Tuesday, January 20, 2015

15 in 2015 -- I love it!

Hi all --

I love the Pizza challenge and I'm certain I can "git 'er done."  Good Lord -- I love this idea!  Now I'm thinking we should each come up with a 15 in 15 idea.  Of course I am racking my brain to come up with one to share.....and i want to make it fun, not like our normal stuff -- which is always hard.

I like the spirit of the Pizza idea -- let's focus on having fun and being happy instead of constantly challenging ourselves to do something that we feel that we should do instead of something we want to do!  I admit I spend the majority of my time and life thinking about what I should do -- should eat better, should drink less, should work out more, should start running again, etc, etc.

And J -- how can you not know what that picture is???  It's pizza in the shape of a French Bulldog!  Like my Darwin boy.

I admit I'm a little psyched about this! Now to determine my idea!

Monday, January 19, 2015


As with every New Year, I'm sure that health and wellness is top of mind.  But let's be realistic, too . . . WE LOVE PIZZA!
Not to be cavalier, but ya know, Life is short.  And we know that we're going to eat pizza (and what goes well with pizza?  Wine of course.  And beer . . . that's a whole other topic).  SO, my challenge, which I am sorry that Jan is half over, is for 20 - 15 to try FIFTEEN NEW PIZZAS!

It can be a new restaurant, a new recipe, new topping combo - it just has to qualify as new to you!  And you should report back on your new favorites.  We can expand our horizons on something we know and love.  
Are you in?!

Not sure what this is exactly, but I had to include it b/c I thought it was funny.