Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Version of Groundhog's Day

I am trying WW on-line this time.  My new perspective is to keep it as simple as possible - not my elaborate notebook, meeting schedule, etc.  I am at the computer all day (or phone) so I believe that incorporating it in to my crazy schedule will keep me on track longer. I still plan to spend time this weekend on menu plans.  Weighing in on Mondays.

My Naturopath has concluded that my hypothalmus is damaged. You may recall that is the thing in your brain that establishes your body's weight "set point."  Among other things which are all interrelated (low D, very low cortisol, hyperinsulimatic, on and on).  I take a slug of natural supplements every day now, but it can take up to 8 months to correct!  She did increase my thyroid medicine (also related) and I do feel better.

All I know is if I do "nothing" then I GAIN weight.  If I follow a plan at least I can maintain where I was!  I am looking in to a different running group; still having plantar fascitis issues, but Doug has all kinds of fun stuff on the calendar and I have to say that I am a tad envious.  Is it weird to not be training for Grandma's this year?  Of course the year you pass is the nicest spring every!

Hope to catch up sometime! 
Kodak 220/1000 (but I have a plan to catch up!)

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