Sunday, October 27, 2013
My goal is to work out 4 days this week. Matt is in Australia, so I have to make the lunch time workout at the gym. I am going to try Dr. Oz's 3 day detox this week. I half way did it a couple of weeks ago and I really felt a lot better. This time, I'm going to try to do it religiously for 3 days and hopefully can make some positive changes in my diet.
I am supposed to be able to request my first unemployment check tomorrow. I request it tomorrow and get it in two weeks. I wasn't going to apply for it but F... Oba.. I want to make the reported unemployment statistics. I am still applying for jobs through linked in and through the flex jobs program I signed up with. My main focus is still on working for myself with an online business. I'm learning more every day. I still may be a few months (or years, ha) away from making money. I have new strategies I'm trying out, and it is interesting enough for me stay motivated to pursue something along this lines. I'm completely with you Lucy, I don't want to work for anyone ever again. I am so done with that.
I dressed the kids up last Friday for a trick or treat event at their school. Rachel is Abby Cadabby (a fairy on Sesame Street. And Robert is Elmo. Jessica I tried to call you Friday night to share in the excitement. The kids were so fun. Robert didn't want to take his costume off, even though he was sweating in it. Gross. He really loved his Elmo costume.
Here is what I'm really proud of: the night Rachel got to wear her costume she was ecstatic! She said "thank you, mommy" over and over. Each time I added an accessory (like her wand, or her shoes) she would say, "oh, thank you mommy". How sweet is that!!! I'm so proud to be raising grateful kids. They both definitely keep me going.
I'm going to change my sign off name to little r (little rebecca instead of little ricky).
More later,
Little r
Saturday, October 26, 2013
New Week -- New Goals!
Let me start by saying I have officially been unemployed for 7 weeks. It has been better than I could have ever imagined. I have finally gained some control over myself and my happiness.
Thank God for the wake-up call! I needed it! I still feel like saying F___! CC -- but all in all I'm better for it.
I'm down 5 lbs. since my last day -- of course I still have way to go....considering I am still currently 10 lbs heavier than when I came to Houston! But I am on the right track!
Just left Jessica a message to encourage her --'ve been off the grid? What's going on in your world?
Here are my WW goals for the week......
1. Journal......every day
2. 2 long walks (10000 steps), this is in addition to my normal 3 gym visits
3. 2-3 new recipes for the week
* already planned 3 recipes to try -- Mexican Chicken Casserole, Beef & Bean Chili and Bacon
& Swiss Quiche
On the career front -- Tim & I met with our attorney to begin the negotiation process on our Massage Studio. Tuesday we are going on a little field try with Matt the local owner of 3 studios. We are not really sure how long working through the contract will take -- I would imagine 2 weeks....but not sure. We will also be creating an S-Corp at the suggestion of our lawyer. Which means we will need a name for our business entity. Wow...this is really happening! I admit I am scared when I really think about it -- but then I get a big smile on my face when I think about what this means for our future. For once in my life -- I will be truly working for myself. No more politics, being managed by incompetent, inconsiderate or self-centered people and feeling under-valued!
I loved your posts Jessica! Your yard looks amazing! You know Tim and I paid a decorator one year to decorate our house for Christmas -- maybe that is a possibility for you and Doug to do. You are really good at it and seem to be very imaginative. Even if you made the stuff during the balance of the year and sold it around the holiday -- I bet people would pay good money for some of that stuff. It could be a halloween boutique -- or should I say spook-tique. Even more glad I got you thinking about what you are proud of...... I think we all short change ourselves on what we are good at. We take ourselves for granted!
And with that....I'm signing out for now!
Thank God for the wake-up call! I needed it! I still feel like saying F___! CC -- but all in all I'm better for it.
I'm down 5 lbs. since my last day -- of course I still have way to go....considering I am still currently 10 lbs heavier than when I came to Houston! But I am on the right track!
Just left Jessica a message to encourage her --'ve been off the grid? What's going on in your world?
Here are my WW goals for the week......
1. Journal......every day
2. 2 long walks (10000 steps), this is in addition to my normal 3 gym visits
3. 2-3 new recipes for the week
* already planned 3 recipes to try -- Mexican Chicken Casserole, Beef & Bean Chili and Bacon
& Swiss Quiche
On the career front -- Tim & I met with our attorney to begin the negotiation process on our Massage Studio. Tuesday we are going on a little field try with Matt the local owner of 3 studios. We are not really sure how long working through the contract will take -- I would imagine 2 weeks....but not sure. We will also be creating an S-Corp at the suggestion of our lawyer. Which means we will need a name for our business entity. Wow...this is really happening! I admit I am scared when I really think about it -- but then I get a big smile on my face when I think about what this means for our future. For once in my life -- I will be truly working for myself. No more politics, being managed by incompetent, inconsiderate or self-centered people and feeling under-valued!
I loved your posts Jessica! Your yard looks amazing! You know Tim and I paid a decorator one year to decorate our house for Christmas -- maybe that is a possibility for you and Doug to do. You are really good at it and seem to be very imaginative. Even if you made the stuff during the balance of the year and sold it around the holiday -- I bet people would pay good money for some of that stuff. It could be a halloween boutique -- or should I say spook-tique. Even more glad I got you thinking about what you are proud of...... I think we all short change ourselves on what we are good at. We take ourselves for granted!
And with that....I'm signing out for now!
Friday, October 25, 2013
I am Proud Of . . .
I have been thinking (per our challenge) of things that I am proud of, plus our recent conversation re: what you want people to think of you (or how you hope they will describe you).
As we were hanging out the pumpkins a few weeks ago, an elderly couple stopped (well, lots of people stopped!) and the lady commented that "You are such good parents!" I'm still not exactly sure how decorating for Halloween makes me a good parent, but there you have it. We definitely have a reputation - which I guess can be good or bad!
I then stumbled upon the pics from LY, and I realized that I very really quite proud of some of the "props" that I completely made on my own. From a small, cheap foam head.
As we were hanging out the pumpkins a few weeks ago, an elderly couple stopped (well, lots of people stopped!) and the lady commented that "You are such good parents!" I'm still not exactly sure how decorating for Halloween makes me a good parent, but there you have it. We definitely have a reputation - which I guess can be good or bad!
I then stumbled upon the pics from LY, and I realized that I very really quite proud of some of the "props" that I completely made on my own. From a small, cheap foam head.
Get it? Boutique - one stop shopping (I mean, Chopping)
I am proud that I can make freaky Halloween props (of clown tricks gone wrong) that amuse and amaze people.
Welcome to FOOD SEASON!
That time of year is upon us - FOOD SEASON! Just remember:
What vision do you have for your future?
JUMBO, puking up candy and barely able to walk (yes, I did make that by the way with the help of some friends. The person inside can open his stomach and a clown skull pops out). OR . . .
What vision do you have for your future?

Shannon. She is a trainer/teacher that MK and I took a healthy eating class with.
Some visuals to help you through the season!
What About My Yard?!
I am a little delayed in sending this, but look at MY yard!
OK, so you can't really get the effect b/c it is so hard (even w/ tripod) to take night pictures. But there are pumpkins in the trees, and it is a very cool effect.
OK, so you can't really get the effect b/c it is so hard (even w/ tripod) to take night pictures. But there are pumpkins in the trees, and it is a very cool effect.
The day is just not the same. But the chicken wire ghosts look great in the wind.
And meet my two new friends!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Run, Run and Have Some Fun
In the midst of my slump, Doug informed me that he signed up for our local Winter Run Series. Mind you he has not been running, and in fact still in PT for his shoulder from bike fall, and back issues.
So in the spur of the moment, realizing I needed to get out in the cold or this is going to be one loooong winter, I signed up! The truth is I really just wanted the t-shirt!
So in the spur of the moment, realizing I needed to get out in the cold or this is going to be one loooong winter, I signed up! The truth is I really just wanted the t-shirt!
How's that for motivation? Maybe I am the only freak motivated by a pumpkin.
So I waited until lunch time, when the temp hit our high of 42 for the day, bundled up and went to see if I could jog two miles. Mind you I have not run in a month (or much of anything) since my silly Burrito Biathalon. It was actually quite pleasant out.
I'm sure if I keep this up, it will require a new headband (I hate mine), gloves (a seam ripped) and other various accoutrements. Shopping always makes unpleasant activities more fun!
Wish me luck!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Reality Check!
Good morning ladies --
Well here is how the story goes --
Friday I connect with Jess via email or texting -- she informs me she's in a bit of a slump with her weight. I proceed to spread sunshine and butterflies of positivity -- I'm feeling optimistic and want to share my positivity. All of this in anticipation of my weigh-in on Saturday morning which I am expecting to be spectacular! Night falls and the sun rises on Saturday....everything seems normal?!? Then I proceed to not loose any weight!!!!!! Let me start back a bit to give perspective ---
3 Weigh-Ins ago: had been horrible the week before, stress, over eating, etc -- so didn't weigh in
2 Weigh-In: Had a great week -- did weigh-in, but new I had to still pay the piper for the prior week, so expected a gain....and got it
Last weigh-In: Now understand I weigh myself everyday, so rarely is the Saturday weigh-in a surprise. I had been down most of the week and based on my normal history -- I should have been down! So Saturday when I saw my weight at home -- I knew I was in trouble.
The negative talk started immediately. I was so bummed -- didn't seem to matter all the positive things I had accomplished all week -- just that freakin' number on the scale. A demon! I couldn't help but think about what I said to Jess less than 24 hours ago -- how I was ready to pump her up (my exact words). So I decided to shake it off and try to stop feeling sorry for myself. I showered and went to WW with the best attitude I could muster. As our leader always says -- you always leave there in a better state than you came....and I did. (I have the world's best leader!) This months's challenge is related to moving more. So i decided to make a goal this week of walking 10000 steps every day. Had to dig out my old pedometer -- don't forget I wore that thing for a solid year. Off I went yesterday -- got all my steps in! Woohoo! I felt like a champion!
I wake up this morning -- there is a huge weather front right over's so stinking big....bout half the size of Texas! Just hanging out above Houston -- swirling and raining!!!!!! I just want an hour of the day to walk -- is that too much to ask for? I guess I could go to the gym -- but I wanted to be outside for a change!!! Ok -- I'm going to try and put this obstacle behind me and remember that if this is my worst problem...than life is very good! This I have control over.
Well here is how the story goes --
Friday I connect with Jess via email or texting -- she informs me she's in a bit of a slump with her weight. I proceed to spread sunshine and butterflies of positivity -- I'm feeling optimistic and want to share my positivity. All of this in anticipation of my weigh-in on Saturday morning which I am expecting to be spectacular! Night falls and the sun rises on Saturday....everything seems normal?!? Then I proceed to not loose any weight!!!!!! Let me start back a bit to give perspective ---
3 Weigh-Ins ago: had been horrible the week before, stress, over eating, etc -- so didn't weigh in
2 Weigh-In: Had a great week -- did weigh-in, but new I had to still pay the piper for the prior week, so expected a gain....and got it
Last weigh-In: Now understand I weigh myself everyday, so rarely is the Saturday weigh-in a surprise. I had been down most of the week and based on my normal history -- I should have been down! So Saturday when I saw my weight at home -- I knew I was in trouble.
The negative talk started immediately. I was so bummed -- didn't seem to matter all the positive things I had accomplished all week -- just that freakin' number on the scale. A demon! I couldn't help but think about what I said to Jess less than 24 hours ago -- how I was ready to pump her up (my exact words). So I decided to shake it off and try to stop feeling sorry for myself. I showered and went to WW with the best attitude I could muster. As our leader always says -- you always leave there in a better state than you came....and I did. (I have the world's best leader!) This months's challenge is related to moving more. So i decided to make a goal this week of walking 10000 steps every day. Had to dig out my old pedometer -- don't forget I wore that thing for a solid year. Off I went yesterday -- got all my steps in! Woohoo! I felt like a champion!
I wake up this morning -- there is a huge weather front right over's so stinking big....bout half the size of Texas! Just hanging out above Houston -- swirling and raining!!!!!! I just want an hour of the day to walk -- is that too much to ask for? I guess I could go to the gym -- but I wanted to be outside for a change!!! Ok -- I'm going to try and put this obstacle behind me and remember that if this is my worst problem...than life is very good! This I have control over.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Technical Difficulties....
I sent the prior post from my phone and it changed the positioning of the pictures....they should have been inserted after the "Tuesday line" and then it cut out all the text after the pictures..... Bummer!
Anyway you can probably figure it out from there......
Anyway you can probably figure it out from there......
I'm Proud...
As you two may recall -- proud is the theme for this month's kicker. And I have diligently found something to be proud if myself for every day. I hope you guys are doing the same. I also challenged both of you to establishing a streak of journaling. Not sure if you guys are playing along...cause nobody is talking! 😄
Either way I on day 12 of journaling and up to 10 push-ups as promised!
Here is one of my biggest proud moments from Tuesday!
Either way I on day 12 of journaling and up to 10 push-ups as promised!
Here is one of my biggest proud moments from Tuesday!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
What unemployment sounds like!
So far, this is what unemployment sounds like...beep, beep, beep, beep. I tried to file for unemployment today online. I got cut off in the middle of it and told that "I could be best served by calling" them. Weird. So, I tried to call them and all I get is a busy signal. I smell something fishy. Ha!
Monday, October 7, 2013
O.K. I'm back from my latest bout of depression. Crazy, I know. I like the push up idea. I will try journaling as well. It is funny that you picked writing about something you are proud about. The kids are potty training. I guess I tell them "I'm proud of you" a lot. Now Rachel tells Robert she is proud of him all the time, and Robert just says "Proud of you" out of the blue to no one in particular. I have no idea how to even start that exercise for myself. I went to Sonic today and the delivery guy said, "Hey, it's you again". Ha! I guess I'm proud that I have been nice enough to him that he said that positively, instead of oh, you again:(
I finally moved everything out of my office at VAI. I put that off as long as I could. It was so uneventful. I expected the ground to shake, waters to part, people standing by waiting to scoop me up to work for them...oh well. I came to peace today with taking time for myself. I worked out. I showered. And I didn't feel guilty about it.
Soooooo, I have never really blogged before. This is going to be fun.
I finally moved everything out of my office at VAI. I put that off as long as I could. It was so uneventful. I expected the ground to shake, waters to part, people standing by waiting to scoop me up to work for them...oh well. I came to peace today with taking time for myself. I worked out. I showered. And I didn't feel guilty about it.
Soooooo, I have never really blogged before. This is going to be fun.
Friday, October 4, 2013
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