Saturday, July 7, 2012

6 miles in

Can you say f*cking HOT?!  The catcher at Robbie's game yesterday passed out. But did that stop me from getting my long run in?  No! Of course not.

Thanks for your consulation yesterday - I like having my own personal WW leader. Another story hit home also. Doug met Mark Parementer in IL yesterday to golf.  Do you remember him (Doug's college friend, in our wedding). They now live in Memphis, so we have not seen them in years.  You may recall that he is 6'5".  Doug did not even recognize him. All he could tell me was about how BIG he was (not about his family, or their golf game or anything) - he said his fingers were like sausages, he couldn't stop sweating, no energy, and his big belly. All he kept saying is "He is a BIG man."

I don't want to run in to someone I have not seen in 5 yrs and have them totally shocked at my size!
Here is today's horoscope:

Your dreams won't come true unless you believe in and act on them, Sagittarius. No one else is going to do it for you. Unless you have a fairy godmother, you need to take matters into your own hands. Realize, however, that you can get there many different ways. The first step is to believe in yourself. Anything is possible. Today is a great day to let your imagination call the shots.

I may have to print that one out and post it someplace visible!

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