Monday, January 23, 2012

Hooray For Me!

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I totally hurt my butt yesterday.  But due to the power of the challenge, I went to the Y - mind you, in the past, that could have been a convenient excuse.  But even if I used the handicap arm racer thing, I was going to try!

So I slowly schlep there, and get on an elliptical.  Someone has stuck a random smiley sticker on it that said "HOORAY FOR ME!"  It looked like they had tried to clean it off (to no avail) but I think they should leave it on there.  It motivated me to two (slow) miles and 3 quick ones on a bike.

Then as my winter treat I like to sit in the dry sauna for a few minutes (which is about 8x4).  This hugely obese lady came in NAKED. I of course could never do that, esp not that size. She could not have been more friendly (interreputing my solitude!) so I had to talk to her.  I know - she was there working out, she's confident, etc - good for her.  But honestly, next time you think about blowing off  your workout, just keep that HORRIFYING visual in your mind!

JW  14/1000

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