Got a lovely journal that needs some ink? (I know you do!). I stumbled upon this book,
The Writing Diet (Julia Cameron) and I got to tell you, it is working for me! This author actually teaches "unlocking creativity" (for writers) but found over 25 yrs, that people also lose weight! It may seem like an odd connection, but times that I have journaled have been at night. This starts with "Morning Pages" where you write 3 pages of whatever is on your mind - no structure, etc needed. Just write. I started 12/17, and I have to tell you - I made it through 3 birthdays (one mine), Xmas, New Years, traveling, etc and I have not strayed once. Not a crumb of a cookie or cake or whatever. Not even tempted, really. I can't explain it, but doing it in the a.m. keeps your focus and priorities set for the day (it doesn't take long to write). It gives strength, if you know what I mean. Try it!
Of course the book goes on with all kinds of prompts to ponder (and write about) or times to reach for your journal vs. eating, but I have to tell you I have not even gotten to that point. I just randomly write first thing in the a.m. with my cup of tea. I waited to share to see if I kept it up, and for a month I have.
Losing a pound a week is soooo sloooow . . . but it's progress. It's focus. One day at a time.
As a sidebar, I found it ironic how many references we have to eating in our language. Like "we eat when something is eating at us" They go on and on. It is kind of funny. The Write Diet!