Not sure where to begin or what to say. A brain aneurism -- I just can't even wrap my head around it. I've cried, I've denied, I've grieved....for you, for your family and myself. I've thought of the what the hell.......this happened at the gym....really?! I've thought of how glad I am that you were there and not on the IAT in some remote location, in a tent , sleeping alone. Or on a plane 35000 ft up and far from the medical care you needed. I keep thinking 48 yrs old....... I know sometimes 49 seems old -- but then when it crosses your mind that it might be over for someone at 48 -- it seems crazy young! I only know bits and pieces maybe it's all under control, but I'm worrying about you.
You know I only have one best friend and you are it! I've always been more about quality and less about all the responsibility is on you! This is one challenge you must win!
I sent you a text tonight....and I will likely send you more. I wish you were better about answering them in a timely manner...but I'll give you a little leeway for now.
I don't know what you will think or say when you look back on these posts -- but know that I love and care about you!