Thursday, March 28, 2013

What's In a Name?

I am a little behind, but I wanted to share my Feb Vegetale Power!

J: Jicama/Apple  Salad  excellent, and would make again.  BTW, if you have not made jicama chips you really should.  They are a hassle to prepare, but so yummy (ah, even burnt by betty-crock-not) (that's me).

E: Eggplant Wrap.  Four Stars
S: Sauteed Spinach  Tolerable, but you know, not eye candy so no photo!  LOL
S: Squash/Quinoa Cassarole  This is one of my new favorites!  It freezes and is tasty.
One of my perinnal favorites is Squash Soup, if you need a recipe!
I: Indian Lentil Soup (this was my stretch)  I would make it again.
C: Cauliflower Salad.  I have been a cauliflower hater, but this I could eat and I now have a new respect for the hard white things.
A:  Asparagus Soup.  I love fresh asparagus, but this was a little bland.

How did your month go?


It's all about the snacks, right?  Have you tried these?
Hummus Chips!  Yes, they are made from chipeas and very yummy. They come in a variety of flavors, and a third of this bag is only 3 points!  Even my kids love them, which is a shocker.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Juice it Up!

Since we're JUICING this month as our kicker, I wanted to share this documentary that you have to watch.  Maybe you have heard of it (I streamed it for free on Amazon, but it looks like you can use Hulu or iTune, too).

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (Joe Cross).  It is inspiring!

Which by the way, I was in Schaumburg IL yesterday, who naturally has a Whole Foods so I went in for my juice.  But they were all technically smoothies - I hope that counts (b/c I counted it!).  It was tasty.  Do they have actuallly juicers in your store?


Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I know we have all been here, but I was really ready to lose it this morning (at WW).  I have had SEVEN consecutive weeks of some miniscule loss or the same which you know for me is a huge win - I don't know if that has happened in years (honestly - I am always down, up, down down, up, etc).  Not a significant loss like I want, but I have focused on that fact that I have been feeling so much better (with the yeast elimination) and sleeping like a rock for about 6 weeks (which you also know has not happened consistently in probably 4 yrs).  My eating and tracking for the week was impeccable.  My goal was to hit my activelink challenge every day for the week - which I did, even when I did not want to (getting on the ol' treadmill in our dank basement at 9 pm to make some light blink is not my favorite thing).  29 weekly points (plus my baseline, so really 43 pts for the week).  I did not eat any of those points, and I did not even use all 49 optional (some, but not all).  And you know the outcome - I gained 1.6 lbs!  How is that physically possible?  There is no way that I ate 5600 more calories than I burned off.  I can not identify anything "salty" so water weight is suspect, and it is not near my period.  I DON'T GET IT!!  I swear that I could completely fast for a week and gain weight.

It is so discouraging that I cannot even put it in to words. I just want to take a nap.