Monday, January 28, 2013

It Never Ends . . .

I was at the YMCA early one morning last week, and in the locker room I saw this relatively fit "old" lady (as in 75ish, so I can use the adjective old!) weighing herself on the big ol' scale.  It gave me pause . . . will I still have to do that when I am 75?!  Is there ever a point in life when I can ever just STOP worrying about it? 

I suppose that's why she was reasonably fit, and at the Y in the first place at 75!  You may be wondering what I was doing there early, in the locker room.  But that is for a month end post (class update).

I am the FEB director, but I will be holding you in suspense until week end.  I have our program lined up.  Being a retailer, you know I can only think in full weeks (not calendar months).  So last week of burpee fun.

The truth is that I missed a few (like 60) burpees last week, so I need the full week to get caught back up.  I gave myself the permission to slop them over a week.  I like having our own rules!  Doug has been in FL all week (his Dad is in hospice) and I don't know when he'll be back.  It took me 6 days, but I think I have a grip now on getting everyone organized.

WW?  I have lost 50 pounds!  That would be the same 5 over and over 10 times (at least).  Officially was 6 on-line, and now 3.2 w/ meetings.  My Dr. said staying the same is like losing 10, b/c most people our age put on 10 every year (how do you like that rationalization).  But I'm on a roll.  I feel good - diet is 90%, and working hard to ramp up the exercise.  Got a wedding coming up, you know!


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Burpee Month is coming to a close!

I'm checking in with my the way Becca are you still in this?  You've been laying low.

Jess -- so glad to hear you are making good progress.  the cholesterol and blood pressure is big -- so great job.  What is your total weight loss now since you started WW?

I've been faithfully doing my burpees.  Let me say-- I thought the 4 classes would be no big deal but I just about didn't get it done.  I did a yoga class....which I am going to try very hard to keep attending. I think it will be very good for my flexibility and stress reduction.  Then I after much procrastination got myself enrolled in one of the latest exercise fads -- Barr Classes.  It's a lot like Pilates.  I've done 2 classes and one more on Tuesday and I'll have my 4 complete.

So what's in store for February?? I don't recall who is in charge for Feb.  I have some work to do with getting my diet back in check.....I'm operating at about 60% there.  Still way better than I was  month or two ago!

That's all for now!


Saturday, January 19, 2013

It's In the Numbers

I may not have changed the figure very much on the scale, but I did have my annual physical Fri and my cholesterol is the lowest it has been since the dr started checking it (maybe 4 yrs?).  All of the stats were well below the "avg" where at one time they were creeping over.  My HDL increased like 12 points, and she explained that this can only improve with exercise. Blood pressure also below the norm.

I may be fat and sassy, but you guys are going to be stuck with me for a long time!

On a separate note, I had done a test through my naturopath and she discovered several things. My B vitmins are all low, with B6 critically low.  Surprise - very important elements in your metabolism.  Weird b/c the sources are common things that I eat all of the time, but somehow my body is not using it properly. Hopefully a few supplement boosts on the side will kick it in gear. 

So, if nothing else it is good to know that I am not crazy.  There are results from my efforts.  And my body just might be a little out of whack.  And hope springs eternal.


Sunday, January 13, 2013


We ate one night at Bond 45 - this is our favorite veggie place.  They have a whole window of stuff and my friend picks and I end up eating stuff I never would (and liking it - except the beets.  Still working on that).  Quinoa salad, artichokes, asparagus, carmelized fennel . . . who knows what else.  And strawberries for desert!
The other night was a "fast food" vegetarian place that I think is on maybe 39th and 7th.  We had fallefel (which I guess migh be fried, right?  But it was good!  Little chickpea meatballs!) and they mixed those in to a make-it-yourself salad bowl with hummus.  Again, not your traditional veggies but I felt so stuffed (then we did our hour walk).

I wish it was easier to eat like this in WI!

Thanks for the pep talk. I needed it.

Pep Talk

Poor Ethel......I'm sorry you are in such despair.  Let me say -- I'm not sure what went so wrong.  Sounds like you ate pretty darn good and you did get 2 workouts.  Ok -- you missed the meeting.  You're going this week, right -- so then that's fixed to.  I think you may have imagined perfection and just got pretty darn good.

I started setting 4 little goals each go to meeting, journal everything, 100 burpees, etc.  then I allow myself to just complete some of them.  I give myself options.  Life doesn't always allow us to accomplish everything we want.  So don't be so hard on yourself.  Travel is the worst time for me and always has been.  If you read the Weight Loss Boss book -- it is his to!  It's very common.  You did just what you were suppose to -- you planned ahead and most of it worked very well.

I want to know what two meals you ate that were Vegan?


Friday, January 11, 2013

Why, Why. Why?

Why is 4 days in NY so HARD?!  It should be a routine by now, after all of these years! Even the stress before, the traveling, the different hotels, the decompress after - WHY?!

I did fine eating. In fact, honestly low on points.  Ate completely vegan for two dinners (no carbs even). Packed 100 cal nuts and power bars for the day, to avoid the candy bowls. Walked for over an hour one night. Did a few burpees, but not as many as I would have liked. I lost my active link device at airport security (left it in the bin!).  But I had cheese and salad for the plane.

But with the lonnnng hours at the office, I did not make it to the WW mtg I was committed to going to.  I really only exercised once, plus one day of burpees.  Just so exhausted the whole time, rushing to work, not sleeping well . . . it is always such a mess when I have expectations that it is going to be "different" this time!  Today I slept in until TWELVE!  When is the last time you did that? I thought when Doug came in it was like 9, and my clock was wrong. So of course I had to waste the rest of the day.

Why do I always let work throw me off my routine? I am still the one in control. Why do I not have the drive to dig deeper and work around it?

I guess the good news is, lots of work to be done from here (appts) but hopefully no more travel for 6 weeks. 

Low Ethel

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Burpess Everywhere!

That's so funny (that you saw them on TV) b/c I meant to tell you while I was at my POWER PIYO class (trying to get mentally grounded, of course - lights low, mellow music, candle) there was a gaggle of girls (maybe a swim team?) right outside our door.  Sure enough, among their many (loud) exercises they were doing BURPEES!

You just can't get away from them!

Live from New York!

Watching Biggest Loser Premier...and blogging on my phone.

Ok -- let's start with "Kicker Clarification..." Just attend 4 classes -- new is better, but not required!

Is everybody loving the burpees? I sure am -- not really but I do think they are getting a tad easier than day one. Oh no they just told the Biggest Loser people to do burpees -- I swear!!!

15 weeks and counting. There has got to be a dress with sleeves!


100 Down - 400 to GO!

Who's idea was this?  My armpits hurt!!

But I was just scanning a few dresses on-line (for the big WEDDING in no fewer than 15 weeks) and got totally freaked out b/c every dress (yes, every one) is sleeveless or strapless.  The thought of that just completely freaks me out.  That tells you how long it has been since I have worn a formal dress.  I wonder if I can wear my down sweater over it.  Pretty sure no one needs to see my arms.

Nothing like a little visual for some motivation! Maybe I should be doing 200 burpees a week.  How about I just do them all day long .. .

Friday, January 4, 2013


Can you pls clarify our January KICKER?

Is it 4 NEW exercise classes, or just 4 classes - or is it all up to personal interpretation?

I got one in last night.  It's a little big of a stretch given "new" but I am in NY all next week, and concerned about getting them in.  I have done pilates, and I have done yoga, but this was POWER PIYO.  95 minutes of fun.  I did sweat, and I am a little sore this a.m., so I think it counts!

Have I told you about my favorite instructor?  His name is Tom, and got in to yoga b/c he has terrible knee issues.  He is a big, totally fit guy that you would expect to see at a biker bar (wears Sturgis tees, etc).  In fact, I have seen him riding to class on his Harley with his yogo mat sticking out.  It is just a funny sight, you know?  He plays current music (not new age stuff) but lites candles and stuff and is an excellent teacher.  Not an ounce of fat on him.  Very inspirational!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Willpower vs. Discipline

48 hours into my Weight Watcher week I'm feeling heady with success!

I have completed 2 full days of being on it a streak a string or whatever! Becca -- you must be thinking what have I gotten myself into!!!

I read this quote and it really hit home with me. "Recognizing that the best kind of willpower is the discipline to plan." Sounds a bit like our old coach -- Bobby Knight! Actually it is from WW. I think it's my biggest downfall!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First Day!

Kicked off the New Year with the First Day Hike!  It warmed up to 12 degrees . . . particularly invigorating when we had to stop for a bathroom break!  Chilly on the Cheeks! That is my friend Deb - we were trying to represent 2013, and obviously failed.  I hope that is not indicative of our year.

Nice hike, nice nap . . until at dinner MK informs me that she has completed FIFTY burpees!  "They're easy . . .what's your problem?"  Sam jumps up from the table and wants to see how to do one - and quickly completes 3 without thought.  Then I went to clean up my mail and saw Lucy's post, complete with directions.  Sigh.  So I rattled off 20.  Mind you 5 at a time, with a little walk break.  Add that to my ONE from yesterday.

Are you sure this wasn't a little too ambitious to start with?!  Oh yeah . . . that's the point . . .

How to do the perfect BURPEE!

Burpees are a powerhouse strength and conditioning exercise that combine physical elements along with endurance and aerobics. The beauty of the exercise is that it requires only your body and some space to manoeuvre, making it a valuable asset to your exercise arsenal. Although the name may strike you as silly, just try doing 20 of them as fast as you can. You will quickly understand why they are popular with athletes and soldiers as part of their exercise regimes. 


1  Stand Tall The beginning position is quite simple to learn as you have been performing it with varying results for most of your life. Stand with your chest out, core tight and head straight. Your feet should be shoulder width apart with your toes facing outwards slightly. 

2  Squat Quickly and explosively kick your hips back as if sitting in a chair and squat deep to the ground. Your chest should remain out and your core tight. Squat until the palms of your hands are placed on the ground directly beneath your shoulders. 

3  Kick Back In the squat position with your hands on the ground, use your abdominals and legs to drive your legs back so that you are in a plank position. This position is more commonly known as a push-up position and should resemble exactly what you would look like prior to performing a push-up. Your back should be straight and your arms locked. You should feel stable in your core and lower back. 

4  Back Again Once you are firm in your plank position, use your core, upper and lower body strength to return to the same squat position (hands on the ground) that you were in before. The movement should be explosive, quick and precise, all of which comes with practice. 

5  Through the Roof The final part of the burpee is also the most important. From the squat position, push off the ground from your feet and explode into a jump. Raise your hands up and jump as high as you can for maximal results. Land softly, bending your knees to absorb the impact. Once you have landed, plant your feet and position your body as your did in Step 1 and repeat all the Steps (1-5 ) to perform another burpee. 

Read more at: How to Perform the Perfect Burpee

I'm playing catch up on my burpees for the week -- but no worries...I'm all over it!  Can I tell you how out of breath I was after doing 15...  Frankly I was fatigued after about 7!  When I started looking burpees up online -- there are burpee challenges all over the place.  Who knew!

I was so inspired after all our conversation on Sunday.....  If only we could get together every weekend -- maybe I could keep the motivation.  I'm even making salmon for dinner tonight -- not sure I'm going to like it...but I need to keep experimenting.  By the way Jess -- the fish I thought you should try at Sam's is "Parmesan Crusted Tilapia."

My commitment this week.....I will run at least once!

Good luck to everyone this week!