Monday, February 28, 2011

New Challenge!

Don't be afraid to read!
With the new month of March approaching, I have a new challenge! We have all been doing so well, that I thought we should each see if we can recruit another person to join us this month! Let's spread the word! What do you think?

I am pondering my Mom believe it or not (she is trying - she wants to be around to see her new grandtwins on the way!); or my garage sale friend Debbye (b/c she is a hoot); and Doug has some interest (not sure we want to include him, though).

BTW Melissa, I can't even walk across the library parking lot in 9 degrees, let alone run 6 miles! You must feel like you can conquer the WORLD when you are done. I am in awe. Can't believe it's Gma training time already. Wow.

I Cracked

Day 46 . .. what can I say. I wish I had a catostophic explanation (or at least a reasonable one - like traveling) but I do not. Single parenting for 4 days got to me. I chased 4 kids around the Children's museum for hours; I cleaned kitchen cupboards (it is amazing how many cans of paprika we have - not even sure when we use); I purged and cleaned Sam's room, including moving an entire lego city from the bsmt to his room (that took a lot of trips up and down 2 flts of stairs). I cooked, fed them, then cleaned up. And did it again. And again. Crammed in a short visit to my elderly uncle. I could add that I have not slept thru the nite for 2 wks, and have a raspy chest cough. I have not had a diet coke in 7 days either, but that's a story for another day.

So I laid in my bed. I did not do all of the dishes. I ate a girl scout cookie. I did not even wash my face (I did brush though!). And I slept through the night. :)

The silver lining? MORE CHAMPAGNE TO SHARE!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Single Digits!

Had my first true long run in anticipation of grandma's half marathon.  [Jodie -- it has nothing to do with's a restaurant chain based here in Duluth]  So it was a 6 miler -- temp when we started.....9 degrees.  You can keep your body warm at that temp, but your face is a whole other issue.  Had ice crystals frozen on my eyelashes.  Had to use my gator!  I'll just let you wonder what the hell a gator is.....consider it a teaser!  But you sure feel pretty darn proud of yourself when you're done.  My running buddy Gloria shared she got her acceptance letter to grad Milwaukee!  Another reason I need to get to Milwaukee!

I plan to start thinking about how I'm going to deal with my NY trip next week and working out.  Followed by my vacation week.  I've got to get myself prepared -- the travel makes this so hard for me.

I hope everyone had a good weekend and good luck as we enter another week of our challenge.  How are you feeling Jessica -- are you getting close to full recovery?


Friday, February 25, 2011

Dr. Phil!

I think we need to go on some PSYCHOLOGY show to see what is really behind this motivation! Melissa will be the lead - I'm sorry, but I just can't imagine a "commitment" to twice a day - I have a GREAT day when I exercise in the a.m. and know that I am done for the day! Otherwise I think about it all day long (good and bad). I have done a few twice-a-days but only for "social" purposes (like did my weight training, then Zumba with a group of friends). However, that is cleary how "elite" athletes train - two, or three times a day. And it is supposed to be good to "rest" your body to recuperate (I just count casual walks and yoga as my rest day).

Whatever works for you, I say! Keep it up!

BTW, does shoveling count? Doug and my able-bodied teenager are leaving for FL today, and we have snow coming (and the snowblower is broken). It took Doug 3 hrs to clear everything the other day . . .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Twice is Nice

Leave it to me to need to bend the rules....  And I'm normally a big fan of rules!  Ok -- I have started working out twice a day once or twice a week.  And I do mean 2 totally separate workouts.  On Monday's I spin at 6am and then do pilates at 6:15pm.  On Wednesday I did Cardio Blast at 12:10pm and then Zumba at 5pm.  I'm freakin' sore and I don't even know what to blame it on.  But the reason I offer this up is -- I need to have a day pass once in awhile.  I hope everyone still feels like that's a fair trade.  Assuming I can convince you two of that -- I'm going strong!

I swear to God -- I can't believe how much we have all done since we started!  I bet we could get on Oprah, or maybe Ellen.  Consider that as a new "letter" Jessica -- or add that to your bucket list Jodie!  Who should we sell our story to?????  Something new to ponder!

Jodie -- we need to talk.  Do you have a death wish or something?  I'm intrigued by the whole race car thing......but I need more time to forget about my last brush with death!

The Runs Don't Stop

And I'm not referring to the mileage kind! Yes, I was hit hard with some digestional distress last night, and spent most of the day between my bed and the bathroom. I did get my stitches out, and she said to wait a few more days before causing "stress" to my skin, but I did rally and get on the treadmill for my snail pace walk (as in 18 min mile) - I guess burning 150 calories is better than nothing! :)
Approaching Day 50, which truly is amazing.

Monday, February 21, 2011

week 5 checked off.....

Well I can now check off 5 weeks of the streak! Congrats to all of us!!!! I am starting to get into walking and going to "stop" looking at the 30 minute mark and start looking at miles!!!! When i use to power walk years ago my mission was 25 miles a week. I am going to keep up with the 5 days for atleast 30 minutes but I am aiming to hit my goal of 25 miles!!!
I did the polar bear plunge in the ocean this past Saturday and all I can say is it was COLD!!!!!
Crazy time, alot of drinking!!!!!!
My diet has not been doing well but I WILL get back on it tomorrow. I am going to Costa Rico at the end of the March and need to lose another 10 pounds!
Next on my bucket list I am going in a race car doing 200 miles per hour. Melissa are you up for that???
Jessica hang in there and listen to your doctor!!!!
Melissa is it called the grandma race because of your age?????

I going to the gym now and do some miles!!!!
Thank you for all your support!

Week 5 check off

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Brrrrrrr! did not come easy!  I chose to meet my running buddy to do what I hoped would  be an easy run.  The temp said 21 degrees.....that's not bad at all for Duluth in February.  There was also some light snowfall  -- again routine stuff.  Well -- the hurricane force winds .....not so routine.  25 mile per hour winds in my face made me curse out loud!  I only got in two miles and it was treacherous.  It was hours ago and I still feel a little whipped by the experience.

Did I share I won an entry to the Grandma's Half Marathon at work?  I did!  First time in 6 years.

Jessica -- again I laughed at your humor and commend you on your dedication.  Also -- know you will feel like a new person with your mole removed.  Congrats on that to!

I have a new "do."  Yep -- got my hair straightened....kind of.  Had one of those new Keratin Treatments.  Only had it for a few days -- so not sure how curly it will be when I try to do it myself.  But I look very different for now.

Hope all is well with both of you guys.  Jodie --- are you out there?  How's it going????


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Close Call!

Melissa, you know how I have had these moles on my face that I have hated for years? I always said that was my "reward" when I got my weight off was to get them removed (again, I repeat years). New year, I finally decided that I should just feel good about myself regardless, so I did some research and had the first one removed today. The Dr told me that I could not exercise for TEN days! I have three mini stitches, but she said skin must be calm to heal (limit the scaring).

I did get on the treadmill early this morning before I went. And then I spoke with the nurse at length, and she clarified, nothing today (glad I got up!) but that I could walk. Nothing that would casue tons of blood to rush to my head, and definitely no weights or downward dogs.

I feel that I will have to add time for a mild walk (shoot for at least 45 mins) but at least it will not be a break in the routine! Consistency has always been the biggest battle, so to keep that going, even at mild exertion, will be a win!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Who knew.......

I've been doing this nearly a month tomorrow.  I honestly can't believe it.  I worked out twice yesterday.....still trying to make up for my shortfall.  But just once today! :)  Running group started and so I snuck out of work in time to get there and do my 3 miles with the group.

I'm still reeling from our time doing this.  Wow -- we are all rockstars!  And good for Doug, Miranda or whoever.......thoughtful and healthy.  No big stories here -- no new crazy workouts, just the standard stuff.  So I guess no news is good news in this case.  Bought some new jeans and I think I look pretty good in them --- gotta think I have the streak to thank for that.

Over and out --  MM

Monday, February 14, 2011


THIRTY days! Can you believe it? Actually, 33 but I was so in the mode, that I did not even notice! So I am scheduling a pedicure for myself. We are trying to watch our $$ a little bit, so this is a true treat.

My thoughtful husband (well, I should say daughter, but you know who is taking the credit!) got me a fruit boquet for V- Day and snowSHOES. That is a shoe that I left off of the activity list! The bouquet is very cute and the fruit is very fresh and yummy! Not even distracted by the kids treats!

Love and happiness to all -

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Dress Saga!

On behalf of Jodie -- 
She had her big meeting this week, gave a huge speech......and wore the dress!  It went well -- see her inspiring speech below.  The grand finale -- Jodie in her dress!  The 2nd best part.....our exercise streak was a key part of the inspiration for the speech.  I can only speak for myself -- but that makes me feel pretty damn good!  
Hi Everyone,
I am really glad to be here today to speak to you.
I spent a lot of time thinking about my message and decided I would like to speak to you about;
“What “A” Talent means to me”.
I HAVE met many talented associates this year  on the DSM and store manager’s pie trip and I look forward to spending time this week with all the A talent in this room.

When I think about “A talent” at dressbarn certain words come to my mind.  Words like:
 Commitment, passion, focus, determination
That’s when I thought about sharing my dress story with you.  
A couple of weeks ago a friend talked me into a fitness challenge.  This challenge was I had to commit to working out for 5 days a week for 30 minutes a day and then blogabout my experience.   For years I made excuses for why I did not exercise, (I couldn’t fit into my schedule, I travel too much, the weather ) but I told myself this time it was going to be different. 

The first two days of the challenge went well.  I exercised each day for 30 minutes making the time in my schedule.
 By Day 3 all the excuses and self doubt started coming back and of course what did I do, I stopped exercising. 
On Day 4 the excuses and doubts were still there and I was ready to quit the fitness challenge, but then the DRESS came into my life.
On the way home from work that day I stopped by the mall to look for a dress for this meeting, since I knew that none of my dresses in my closet would  fit me.

 I stopped by a couple stores and found the one dress that I really liked.
 It was cream, a color that would make me step out of my comfort  zone of BLACK. I tried it on and couldn’t get the zipper up.  I had a decision to make;
  buy the dress and lose the weight or look for another dress in another size.
 Once I made the decision TO COMMIT AND to BUY the dress my drive and determination kicked into high gear.  I stopped by the gym on the way home that night and started a diet the next day.
 I have continued my commitment to working out 5 days and even walked in 18 inches of snow.  I had to give up many things along the way,
The hardest being my coronas, but most importantly It’s was the excuses I had to give up
 There had been many times along my journey when I thought that it would be easier to just buy another dress or get the top half of the dresses altered, especially after the bottom of the dress started fitting better.  But the dress became my motivation to stick to my goal of losing weight and getting fit.

So now I need help from you. 
Tell me about the leadership behaviors you see in my story.    (Ask the audience?) 
 Are these all the behaviors we are looking for in our “A” our player?
In the past couple of years we have been striving to develop and hire “A” players.  This past year we did a talent assessment with our district sales manager in every region. We discussed recruiting and developing “A” talent.  Things that stood out in Jeff’s presentation from last year were words like;
 Energy, Passion, Pushing their limits and game changer.    
We have talked a lot about “A” talent but what does that really mean? 
What I look for in my “A” players is someone who has internal drive and or determination to be successful.
 They are focused, committed and driven to achieve their goals.  They do not make excuses but find solutions to their problems.  When times get tough they keep pushing through what is uncomfortable and safe and try new things and continue to learn. 

They know they need to build relationships with their people, but also know when to draw the line between business and personal.
How many of these “A” players do you have on your team?         
How many of your Managers consistently achieve their business goals year after year? 
Or are you allowing them to get the zipper half way up  and get it altered instead of pushing their limits?  Do you except their excuses? 
How many of your Managers can you count on to get the job done no matter what it takes? 
The real goal in my dress story was to get fit and lose weight.  The dress and the fitness challenge was the solution that would get me to the goal.  It took giving up a lot on my part but mostly the excuses to get the dress to fit.  .
Do you allow your Managers to quit OR BECOME COMPLACENT when it gets too hard or obstacles get in the way?
I could use the weather as my excuse but I got out and walked with 18 inches of snow on the ground.

So how many “A” players do you have on your team? 
Do you have “B” players who can become “A” players?
 How about your “C” players,   are YOU settling?    
It comes down to YOUR expectation for your team and yourself? 
How driven and determined are YOU to be an “A” player?    AND HAVE A DISTRICT OF A PLAYERS?
Back to my Dress story, when you see me Thursday night at the banquet and I can’t breathe or sit in the dress, please come over and tell me it was all worth it!
(Everyone came up to me and told me that the dress looked GREAT)    And Jodie -- they were right!  You look fabulous.  And I think there is no mistake that you are the standout in the group!

Spring Fever!

Congrats to Jodie on your 4 wk success! Must feel so great to get comments from people, and to have your clothes fit! I just can't get any pounds off, but that is a story for another day.

Today was over 40, bright sunshine and what a treat! First day in over 50 days or something like that. I walked the dog outside for 3 miles (still needed gloves and earband) but it was so "good for the soul."

Get out and enjoy the weather break! And I want to see Polar Plunge pics!

Checkoff week 4 for me...

Melissa give yourself a break, neither one of us could have worked out with a schedule like that!
I personally think that you and Jessica should recommit to 6 days a week and take a day off everyweek. Last week was really hard for me too. I left Sunday night and was away to Friday night. Everyday started at 8:00 a.m. and went late. Sunday and Monday workout like usual. Tuesday was the day of my big speech and I had to pratice so I did not work out. Tuesday night we went on a boat ride around the city and my vertigo came back and my head started spinning. It took me out through Wednesday night. Thursday became the make it or break it day with the challenge. So I took my shoes to the meeting and walked 30 minutes outside at Lunch. (thanks Melissa for the idea). Stayed out Thursday night to 3:30 in morning and had to get up at 7:30 Friday morning. (Hungover) I got home Friday night around 6:30 and had to take a nap BUT felt guilty and got up at 8:00 p.m. and went to the Gym. Saturday walked outside again in snow. So i completed my 4 week challenge, and I need to thank both of you for that because without the accounatbility to you, I would have never worked out last week. I have not worked out like this for 5 years.
The Dress, it looked Great and the zipper went up easily. My diet I have done well too losing weight and getting back into my clothes again. Everyone at the meeting commented that they could see that I lost weight.
Onward to my next challenge. I go to Costa Rico at the end of March and want to be down to my size 6 pants. I went to the gym today already after church and cooked all my food for the week for my diet.
I will have to tell both of you I still do not get the high that you two get when working out but i am commiting to working out for 45 minutes 3 days this week!
My bucket list challenge this week is that I am going to do the polar bear plunge next weekend at the beach!
Happy valentines day!!!

The Dress...

Champagne Toast!

I do owe both of you a little champagne or maybe a lot -- it will depend on when we meet.  Oh Jessica -- you do crack me up with your purchases.  I did know about the Zumba shoes -- but hadn't really thought of purchasing such a thing.  But now that we are on the subject......  At the shoe show last week we visited the Skechers booth and I got a little education on the Shape-Up line.  You know the shoes that help you shape up while you walk.  I will say all along I have thought it was a complete farce.  I have slightly more respect after hearing about the technology.  I walked around in a pair in the showroom.  I certainly don't think you are going to get in shape from wearing them -- but I do think they could strengthen some leg muscles if you did a lot of walking in them.  There are multiple styles with all sorts of different features.  Now word on the street is the Reebok ones are better --but haven't checked them out yet.

I have worked out already today.....Me and Jillian Michael's.  I do have to recommend her DVD, 30 Day Shred.  It's a little intense, but good.  As I mentioned before there are 3 levels -- I did #1 today and the first part of #2.  Let me say this -- you will need time to work up to the higher levels.  :)

I do appreciate the encouraging words -- I am focusing on not beating myself up.  I bet you are right on the fact that I worked out more this time than on any other time.  So there is still a victory!  I'm actually thinking of working out twice tomorrow......  Spinning in the morning and pilates after work.  Also my running group starts this week.....OMG!

MM   ---   Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I met my run club for a "winter workout" on Thurs, and couldn't find my running shoes! How can one (adult) lose shoes? I guess I need to go buy new ones. :) On Fri I joined a group for the Zumba experience (my Z, BTW, Mel - will post pics when I receive!) and were you aware that there are special Zumba shoes? And I do own spinning shoes, if you decide to stick with that. My point is that we need to look at the bright side of this experience - yet another reason to go shopping!

Melissa - I am glad that you are home for awhile, and while you feel like you "failed" (and owe me champagne! LOL!) I am amazed at how much you did accomplish. I know how hard it is traveling, and we all need to figure that out in our lives, b/c it is a big part of it. You did great with as much as you were gone, and I hope maybe more than you did last year during this hectic month. That is a WIN! The big thing is that you are picking up and moving on! I will toast to that!

"Some of the best lessons we ever learn, we learn from our mistakes and failures. The error of the past is the success and wisdom of the future."
(Tyron Edwards).

Home Sweet Home!

Alright I'm back from the Vegas/NYC tour.  I'm gonna lay it on the line -- I failed.  Now I'm going to practice the thing that has made me successful at weight loss, at work and in life in general.  I'm not going to quit -- I'm going to get right back on the plan.  Perseverance is a virtue.

None the less I will share my confession to allow closure to my shortfall.  I travelled to Vegas on a flight Sunday at 6:55am.  I then spent every waking moment with my boss.  A delay gave us a short layover -- so I did walk briskly, but not sure that it qualifies.  We shopped when we go there and I swear, I took every set of stairs that were in existence at both the airport and in Vegas.  In fact I inspired Patti to do the same. (perhaps that should count as extra credit)   On Monday I got up early and ran outside -- 4 miles, the longest I've been in months -- including several stair climbs.  Also walked nearly 2 miles in addition to shop and purposely walked to try and make up for the guilt I was feeling about the prior day.  Tuesday -- again got up and ran 4 miles before our appointments.  Wednesday, another 7am flight, straight to the hotel and then appointments.  Then straight to dinner --- with drinks of course.  Exhausted when I got back to my room at nearly midnight.  Thursday......just exhausted.  I walked as much as I could, but did not have dedicated time to workout.  Friday, more of the same including a flight back to Duluth.  It was very challenging and frankly I just planned too much social stuff and couldn't fit in time to workout.  I let myself down -- which I regret, but learned I can't do everything and I should take care of myself first.

So today I was back at it.  Went running outside.  I am now home for 3 weeks straight -- so I am certain this was just a minor setback.

JW -- proud of you for getting up out of bed to workout and love the irony of reading a book about the focus needed to be an Olympian.

JL -- how did the meetings go?  How did the dress look?  We need a picture!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Space Cadet!

I was sooooo tired on Sat but had to get up and head an hour away for a basketball tournament. We got home late afternoon (luckily we did not head to IL as planned) and I immediately had a big ol' nap until 7 pm! Then I lounged and was reading my book . . .until I remembered that "uh oh, I did not exercise yet today!" So yes, I put my book down (not immeditately mind you, I let the guilt fester for awhile) and at 8:49 pm headed down to my treadmill.

The ironic thing is that I was reading (not sure why, but I was) Apolo Ohno's biography about how mentally focused he was and how crazy strenuous his exercise regiment was in getting ready for the Olympics. See, I like to READ about nutrition and exercise - doing it is a whole other thing!


Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's Good to Be Back!

Well peeps -- I'm back from my offsite.  It was horrific for my diet, but I eked out the exercise.  There were some close calls --- whew!  Monday I couldn't do an early workout because I had to be at work and actually working by 7am -- then meetings solid till 4:30pm.  Then jump in the car with a visitor to head to our offsite.  50 minutes to myself when we got there before dinner and cocktails.  I raced to my room and changed and got a 2.5 mile run and a short walk to hit my 30 minutes.  Tuesday -- got up early and hit the treadmill like a normal person.  Tuesday night stayed up way too late and had too much wine.  Ditto for Wednesday night.  But.......on both days I took 30 minutes out of our lunch hour and walked on the treadmill.  And I have never done that.  I just couldn't let myself go down.  Especially in such a lame way! Got home Thursday night -- rested and was at my 6am spinning class on Friday as normal.

Now I am off to Vegas tomorrow on a 6:55am flight....with my boss.  Then straight to NY on Wednesday -- it's gonna be rough!  So everyone send me good thoughts so I can overcome this trip and stay on my streak!

3 weeks down!

Well it's the end of the 3rd week and I've pushed myself to get my 5 days workouts in the beginning of the week vs. draging it to the end of the week. It worked and today I am getting a massage instead of working out. At one point this week I thought i would try to workout 7 days but my family took me out for my birthday and decided not to exercise that day but satyed on my diet that night, so it's a 5 days this week! The accountabilty is really working on keeping me focus with this challenge. Thanks!
I am away this coming week for business and I am worry about fitting in the 5 days but I am committed to do it. I have to wear my Dress on Thursday night and have included the Dress story into my speech on Tuesday. I am staring to see the benefits of exercising but something is holding me back again from going all out! I need to ask Susie the next time I talk to her.
The one thing that has been helping me get to the gym is that I always have my gym bag in my car and try to go before I go home at night. My husband has been very supported.
Maybe when we are slim and fit in the spring we can all go away somewhere warm to celebrate!

Friday, February 4, 2011

A first!

I survived my first round of travel, and I have to say that it was honestly a FIRST, after all of these years, of exercising every day. I would NEVER have gotten up so early to do whatever even a month ago. Always good intentions, but this honor system is very powerful. It was hard (I wanted to sleep!) but I made it through the days, and as I said everything for me then falls in to place. First time I ever (at least in recent memory) that I honestly food journaled every day (is that a word?). Never perfect on the road, but made concious, good decisions. I was even carrying around some white chocolate at the Toronto airport (where I was stuck for hours) but had the power to put it back and found a protein bar! (I know, not great, but better choice!)

Next challenge . . . weekend! Kicks off with scrapping for a few hours with friends tonite (read, snacks) , b'ball tourney (read, crap food), to Brian's for Nate's b'day (read, cake) and then Superbowl party (read beer, and more!).

I am tired and weak minded right now, but knowing my "peeps are watching" I can do it! Exercise three times: not so hard! :)
